Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama bin Ladin is dead – yay! Now we just have to hope no other sick fuck takes his place.

While I’m thrilled he was caught and killed, I’m pissed that I can’t enter sweeps now. I’m getting this database error that I’ve gotten before and that I’ve heard others complain about, too.

Guess it’s just more time for storywriting. Gotta work on my dialog, though, as Tom says, and quit making all the characters sound the same when they talk.

I got nosy yesterday and went looking through some of Nane’s friend’s photos that were public to see if they had any pictures of her that may not be in her albums. Well, her bother had one at his birthday party that was just like – wow! I don’t care for the reddish hair color she had (I’m pretty sure she’s a natural brunette), but wow! Too bad her eyes were closed. She was smiling in a sort of goofy way and showing a bit too much gum and what appeared to be false teeth, but still a beautiful smile just the same. Andy agreed she’s not a major hottie but she is attractive. He said her legs look sexy in these jeans she’s wearing in another picture I sent him of her and that she has a great slender shape. She sure is one hot 50-year-old old! I can just imagine all the guys she must’ve had chasing her in her 20s if they’re still chasing her now. Even Alison agreed she’s beautiful and it’s no wonder I have a crush on her. Wish I had her oval face instead of this big round one. Her only other flaw, though it’s hard to tell for sure, is that her eyes seem kind of small. I’d love to see better shots of her face taken straight on and with her eyes open. Her eyebrows also almost look drawn on because she keeps them so perfectly plucked, but I still love it all. :)

She may’ve truly had her boyfriend stay with her all weekend (he doesn’t live in Munich so that’s why they only see each other on weekends), but I suspect she still may’ve been on Facebook. I thought it was just random, but as Mitch told me, it’s a bit glitchy at times but the order in which our friend’s pictures appear on our walls has to do with who logged in last. So far today (it’s already 1pm there) she doesn’t appear to have logged in. She’s a night owl, so hopefully she will before bed.

One of the biggest lessons she’s taught me is that you really can come to care for people you’ve never ever met.

LOL, Andy and I were right about her teeth being false. I just went back and read the note she left under the picture which was taken in January of 2010 and she wrote: Wo ist mein Kukident?

I knew the first 3 words were “where is my” but didn’t know what Kukident was till I looked it up and saw it meant denture adhesive. She’s still my hottie. :)

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