Saturday, May 21, 2011

I find it odd that I got two hits in TX and one in CA all with invisible search terms but the same provider. I smell Molly’s family behind it somehow. Molly’s back to averaging two views a day, but she occasionally takes a day off.

Slept through the end of the world today. Oops, sorry. Don’t worry. It will still end just as soon as the sickos in the Middle East obtain the means to destroy the whole world. So probably in another 100-200 years.

As for Nane, I’m starting to think something went wrong with her computer on her way down to Turkey. It’s still weird that no one’s posted to her wall, but right now I’m guessing she’s just having PC troubles. Maybe someday I’ll find out.

Writing stories never gets easier even if you get better at it. I know Ingrid’s gonna try to get Rainbow away from Nadja, but should it be because Nadja’s mean to her, or just because she wants her to stay with her? And should I surprise the reader with this happening, or do I drop hints along the way? Deciding what to reveal and when is another challenge. I’m also not sure about the ages of some of my characters. I want them older, but I don’t want a million decades between Rainbow and Ingrid either.

None of my last round of dreams made any sense. I was 8 months pregnant and looking to adopt the kid out. Then I was in a high-rise apartment we could never afford from the looks of it even if apartments were my thing.

Our turquoise lot has 5 views and 3 watchers.

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