Monday, November 27, 2023

I hate how dependent we become on so many things when we get older. First it was lotion and lip balm and now it’s medications, vaginal suppositories, and soon-to-be CPAP machines along with so much more. Probiotics, yogurt, vitamin D, extra pillows in bed, special fluoride toothpaste, sound machines, water by the bedside, glasses, certain types of specialists, oil for my ear…

Last night was horrible. I was so tired that it was almost scary and it really pulled me down emotionally. Not to where I was like OMG, I have to kill myself now, but I was just so blah. Not feeling well physically never helps one emotionally.

Today I have more energy and I’m enjoying every precious moment of it. As funny as this may sound, I feel a little less hypo now. I have more energy than yesterday and I’m not as cold. My weight is down a couple of pounds too. Maybe adding vitamin D every other day before bed would be smart. The only thing that sucks about having more energy is that I know this means I’m gonna have trouble falling asleep and therefore be guaranteed to be exhausted tomorrow.

I’m still back to being unsure as to whether or not waiting an hour vs. a half hour after taking my meds makes any difference so I figured I would alternate the times.

Woke up with a little bit of that lower right flank pain again. Really hope it doesn’t mean I’ve got kidney issues coming on. Hopefully, it’s just a pulled muscle. They just tested my kidneys and everything was okay.

We discussed a cheaper insurance plan for me earlier. CVS has a cheaper and better plan with more endos in the area I could go to. Tom was pointing out how they all have bad reviews and I don’t doubt it. I’ve hated all three of the ones I’ve seen. I mean, I didn’t literally hate Doc O, but she wasn’t helpful in the end either. I may have no choice but to eventually see one, though. Two out of the eight in town are female. I still wonder what the hell it is about Florida that’s keeping female doctors away. Galileo is almost all women and there seemed to be mostly women doctors in California but not here.

Tom gave up meat and is losing weight slowly. Wish I could do that, but no matter what type of diet I were to do it wouldn’t get weight off in my case. I’m gonna need medication for it or to just keep on living with it. I want to wait until and if I can ever get some of these appointments to die down before I broach the subject of trying one of the new weight loss medications to Galileo. That’s another thing is that I might have to give them up if I go with CVS which has their own app. That much would suck because I don’t like change and I don’t want to have to start all over again with new doctors who aren’t familiar with me and my cases. However, they’re only $250 a year so I might be able to keep them. The only thing that may get a little confusing is that they could no longer handle some things like labs and I don’t know if I would stay with Quest Labs or go with LabCorp or what. Maybe CVS has its own labs.

Tom was surprised to learn that we may qualify for food stamps even if it’s not much. He’s going to look into it.

Found this really cool site that was in my Facebook feed that lets you track an animal for $10. You buy one of their beaded bracelets. The money goes to help land and sea animals and they send you a code that tracks the movement of the animal(s) of your choice. That might be kind of interesting but I’m not sure it’s worth it. I really want to save up for that new bed and if I keep making little purchases on the side, it will slow the savings down.

We’re going to have a few nights down in the upper 40s at which time I’m gonna clean the oven early in the morning because we need to open windows and air the place out. Still haven’t had to run the heat but we probably will during those days, if only early in the morning.

If I don’t write much for a while it’s because I’m saving it for the trek down to Palm Harbor.

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