After writing a book in the first person, which was tough to do since getting used to writing in the third person, I’ll soon have to make the switch back to the third person and it’ll be hard. Once you get in the habit of doing one or the other, switching back takes some getting used to. Like having a Spanish-speaking celly in jail and then being thrown back in with English speakers and having the brain be like, what? You mean I gotta speak English again now? Sudden changes aren’t as easy as one may think. I had my moments back then where I wished I’d kept my Spanish a secret.
The editing is slow and boring as usual. I know that the faster I do it the faster I can share the story, but if I go too fast I’ll have more errors, so I’m taking it slow and easy.
I swear I had two dreams of the evil A last night. Yes, two dreams. I don’t remember them and that’s perfectly fine with me, though wicked housemothers and hotels are better than anything to do with falling, water or violence since I know what that usually means.
It’s sunny and at least warm inside the place in the afternoons. But this is the month the weather usually takes a turn for the worst until March. :( Soon we will have highs only in the 40s and it’ll be raining its ass off.
Tom and I discussed our budget and after allotting money for the necessities, we talked about how we want to go about saving and all that and even paying off all our back taxes. God, I hate to do that! After the government left us within two weeks of death, damn do I hate to pay any agency that was prepared to let us starve in the streets or kill ourselves as we had planned! That money’s just going to be sent to other countries anyway. Yeah, my husband works hard to pay the terrorists in the Middle East, folks. Isn’t that sad? But way too soon enough we’ll be jobless, dirt poor, and on Unemployment again, right?
I feel bad for Christine and the forced motherhood thing she has to deal with. I don’t think I could stand to date one with kids unless they were on their own, no matter how hot or right for me they may be. She too, hates the noise, the messes, and the sheer boredom that goes with having kids around when they’re not running you ragged. If you’re miserable so much of the time, what’s the point? Is the person really worth it if so much of your life is no longer going to belong to you and it’s not a sacrifice you were willing to make in the first place?
One of my VH sisters I never met is so funny. She wished me a happy birthday and I said, “Thanks, but it’s actually tomorrow.” She said, “Nope, not in Australia it isn’t.” LOL, I didn’t realize that’s where she was.
I’m keeping any mention of my birthday out of my journal because I’m curious to see if Maliheh remembers it. I doubt Barbara will care, especially since tomorrow’s Sunday, but if I don’t hear from her by early next week, then I probably won’t hear from her again. Unless she reacts to the story somehow, LOL. I can’t wait to surprise her with that one, but I don’t know if she’ll even read it.
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