Friday, December 2, 2011

Should I be flattered that I was contacted by a graphic design student requesting to use some of my journals for an assignment that deals with private and public relationships? They said not to worry if I don’t feel comfortable giving them permission, and only the other students will see it. I told them I’d like to talk to Tom about it first when he gets home later on and get his opinion, but that it would probably be ok so long as they don’t claim my writings as theirs. I’m honored that they chose me, though I don’t know why.

This weekend we’re going to discuss what to get when as far as upgrading me to Windows 7 and things like that because I’m so sick of being redirected to Yahoo’s search page so often because I’m using such ancient operating systems and browsers. And then there are the color laser cartridges we could use and a few other things. Originally we were going to wait till the spring if he was still working because we wanted to have money saved up for if they laid him off before he was eligible for Unemployment. But if all this OT is gonna keep bringing in around $800 a week which doesn’t look like it’s going to go away anytime soon, we may not have to wait on everything.

Had to listen to the fucking hammering and dirt bike again yesterday. Why couldn’t this kid have been a girl?! And when is it going to rain Jesse indoors for a while?

I have a feeling I’m not going to hear from Barbara again, but oh well. I’m still going to surprise her with my story when it’s edited and how I threw her in in a last-minute, spontaneous decision. Barbara’s a good character, though, LOL, unlike “Anina” who is based on Nane. Just curious to see if that gets a reaction from her, LOL. She could be waiting till my birthday along with Maliheh, if they remember or even care, but I doubt it. I may hear from Maliheh, but at this point, I’m really not expecting anything from Barbara anymore.


I really worked out hard! After a half-hour of working my abs and arms, I ran through a third of my half-hour treadmill workout between 4-5 MPH. My face was so flushed with heat when I was done it felt like I’d been slapped. I was sweaty and tired but I love that “accomplished” feeling of a good workout and how good a shower feels afterward. I had to eat a little more in one sitting but it restored my energy.

One would never guess I was this heavy and that my body was this old! But as athletic-looking as I’m getting to look I still have a ways to go. I’m still pretty hippy and while I’d rather the hips than the gut, I’d look better without them.

When I stepped outside to hang sheets, since it’s 68ยบ out there today, I heard a saw that didn’t quite sound like a chainsaw. I couldn’t be sure where it was coming from but it was probably Jesse. In another few hours, I’m sure it’ll be hammering up a storm while its kid roars around on the dirt bike, but fortunately, it’s not something that goes on for hours. More like 15-30 minutes, though it is still annoying.

I killed a HUGE spider in the kitchen! :( Scared the living shit out of me! It was between the oven and fridge. It was perhaps as large as a large daddy long legs in diameter but with fatter legs. I sprayed it and it hobbled on over behind the oven. Then it reappeared and I beat the life out of it with the fly swatter. I gotta wonder how the hell long it would’ve taken the fucker to die had I not bashed its brains in??? I really hope to hell I don’t see any more of these things! If it’s in the middle of the day, just what the hell’s been going on in here at night?

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