Monday, December 26, 2011

This isn’t going to be much of an entry because I’m still pretty sick. Wish I knew what the hell was wrong with me but I guess it’s the same flu Tom had. Last night and most of today were the worst. My throat became scratchy last night to the point that I couldn’t stop coughing because I kept feeling like I had a tickle in my throat. So I took some nighttime cold/flu medicine though I didn’t sleep well. I kept waking up a lot. I finally dragged my ass out of bed around 11am but felt like my head was under serious pressure and I felt so run down. Nonetheless, I managed to go out today for a while. Picked up some KFC and spent most of the day in bed as Tom rid my PC of a virus that somehow managed to weasel its way in.

What else…? I think that’s it. No other events stand out in my mind since I last wrote other than Jesse’s truck and motorcycle, and that ever-present chainsaw buzzing away somewhere in back.

I’m getting back into bed. Maybe I’ll write more tomorrow.

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