Sunday, April 8, 2012

I created my original Thoughts blog through Facebook. Then, as suggested to me by a friend, I created the hiddendimension account to try to thwart Molly. That’s how I came up with the username; I was trying to hide from this loon who has since quit pestering and slandering me and a few of my friends. I don’t know why she’s suddenly ceased this behavior. I’m only grateful for it for however long it lasts. Especially since I’m, well, not such a hidden dimension anymore, LOL. At least 3 people that I know of have found this blog on their own since, as I’ll readily admit, I’m not a very good liar. Therefore, I can’t hide very well. In order to hide, I’d have to literally change my style of writing, change names, change blog style formats, and change the topics I write about altogether. I would literally have to be a whole new person with a whole new life. I could not speak 5 languages or love rats for pets or be a married, childless, middle-aged woman in the woods who loves to build muscle and write.

Yet I am only good at being myself. So even though I did alter first names for a while, I’m a dead giveaway and a very unhidden dimension at best. Some people can do it, but I was never any good at spicing things up other than in stories any more than I was ever good at sugarcoating the bad things I feel or experience. I’m a tell-it-like-it-is kind of gal. When I was 10 years old, then I could tell you I was bionic and came from another planet with an absolutely wonderful and loving family. Hell, I could tell you about just any line of bullshit out there until I was grounded for it and maybe even slapped around a bit, too.

But I’m not 10 years old and I don’t speak just one language either. I really do have a driving phobia, but I can write stories and dress things up there really well. It’s automatic denial for most of those who don’t get something in particular, especially if it’s not very common, but I really do have a sleep disorder and I just adore rats. While I wish I could say that for me it isn’t that bad, my landlord really does get obnoxious as hell at times, and I really do love incense, perfume and anything else that smells good. I’m shitty with numbers but great with words. Really, I am.

I was surprised but pleased to see Maliheh on my tracking log today. I warned her too, that even though only I could see her, I would be able to track visitors with cookies till June 18th. So she is alive and she is getting my messages. She’s just chosen, for whatever reason, not to keep in touch very often.

“Hidden Dimension” is still appropriate for someone like me in a whole ‘nother way. Like whatever these places are that I visit in my dreams that often seem so damn real. Are my dreams just that vivid or am I really entering some other plane when I see, hear and learn things that are actually true or end up becoming a reality in the future? The prospect of sleep has become both scary and exciting. I enter this other dimension and I don’t know why or how. And where it is? Where? We’re all supposed to be able to access this dimension, this other plane of knowledge, insight and existence; I just seem to do a better job of tapping into it than most folks for some reason. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. It’s the things most people aren’t good at that I’m good at and vice versa.

As I sit here missing my daddy and my ratty, I realize my body is no longer desert-ready. 82° used to be perfect for me and was what we usually kept our houses at back down in Arizona, but now 82° is a bit warm which is what it is in this room right now. Where I’ll never like the cold, even though I grew up in a cold climate, I’m definitely now more moderate-climate ready. If I were suddenly in the desert or Florida it would take me a year or so to re-adapt to the constant heat, but since the body does have memory, that’s all it would take. The first time around, when I first moved to Arizona, it took 5-6 years to get acclimated to the intense heat. I know I’ll never live in the desert again. I won’t even visit it. But I don’t know if I’ll always live in the area I’m in now. My dreams suggest I won’t, but right now life is going too well for us to disturb or alter it in any way other than where we live.

Off to enjoy the last of the weekend before my hubby crashes, then looking forward to hearing from Nane tomorrow. :)

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