Friday, April 13, 2012

No wonder the troll hasn’t made any updates on her blog lately. She created a new account on Thoughts, claiming she forgot her old PW. Yeah, right. Like she doesn’t know to have it reset or sent to her or something? Regardless, I should’ve figured as much, but a week ago “Girl Power” (what a lame name) created yet another account which Alison alerted me to and I also blocked. She’s only got a couple of posts, one saying how much better off she is without certain people, the other with a “letter” to Alison. Same old shit. She’s probably deleted several other rants in the last week.

Andy drives me crazy at times, almost making me feel pressured to do Formspring and email with him when I’m not only not as into that sort of thing as he is (especially on a daily basis) but I have other things to do. The guy rarely sleeps and works, LOL! He only sleeps for 4 hours at a time on most nights, then he only works for a few hours at a time. Unless he’s hanging out with family he seems to spend almost all his free time online. If he could, he would do Formspring from the minute he woke up to the minute he went to sleep.

Woke up to a huge clap of thunder. The kind you don’t usually get here but that we would get plenty of down in Arizona during monsoon seasons. It poured like crazy yesterday. We even got some hail. Found a worm in the bathroom. It’s not uncommon to find them in here after getting a lot of rain. I’m surprised the frogs aren’t going crazy now.

It has been so, so peaceful as far as Jesse and the dogs go, but sadly that’s only due to a combination of the rain and my schedule. If it weren’t for propane costs I’d wish it would rain every day that we’re still here. When it rains when I sleep during the day I don’t have to worry about him waking me up. When it rains when I’m up during the day I don’t have to worry about him disturbing my peace. But in a few days, it’s back to sunny and 70s which means it’s back to vroom, vroom, vroom and arf, arf, arf. :(

The bleeding finally stopped at the end of my day yesterday and I dropped 4 pounds in just water alone. I’ve stopped the fish oil supplements as well. I hate to go back to having sore joints, especially the hips, but I don’t want killer periods that last forever either.

Andy said his family “still expects him to look as he did 35 years ago.” Geez, that’s not only as bad as having friends and family not take you for face value, take cheap shots at your medical conditions and defend your perps, but totally ridiculous, not to mention physically impossible! I’m not saying they’re bad people or anything like that, but no one stays the same forever and that’s kind of hypocritical of them anyway since they’re not exactly centerfolds themselves or the epitome of true fitness. Shame on those who pay more attention to one’s looks than the people they are! We’ve conquered most of the racism in this world. We’ve conquered a lot of sexism. We’ve conquered piss-poor attitudes about a lot of things. So then why are we still an appearance-obsessed society???

We all want to look our best and there’s nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong at all. Hell, I work out and diet most of the time myself, but it’s because I want to. But when people focus on us for our looks and not the people we are, that’s really sad. People’s priorities really worry me at times. One’s appearance should be that individual’s concern only. If they’re overweight, well, it’s not your problem, is it? If it’s their life and their body, why do you care? So you can have a prettier being to look at? Geez, go look at a pretty picture online if beauty is that important to you! The only ones who should be making cracks about one’s appearance or medical problems are the individuals themselves. Same goes for various lifestyles, beliefs and things like that. As most people would agree, though, those who do these things are only unhappy with their own looks, lives and whatever.

If racism can become favoritism as it has in most cases, and if women can hold so many powerful positions in society these days (though I’m still waiting for the first female president), we should be able to stop having expectations of others that aren’t just unreasonable but downright insane!

Off to run a mile or two, shower, then get working on some things around here.

The closer we get to May, the easier I breathe. But I’m still keeping a low profile and wonder if there’s a warrant out on me. Sometimes I think I’ll check and see, then I stop myself and say, “No, don’t give in to their games in any way! Surround yourself with positive things and people, not those who only want to bring you down with their crazy laws.”


Poor Andy. He’s been puking and having the runs. I thought something was up since the Formspring addict couldn’t go over 12 hours away from that site if his life depended on it. I just thought he was either catching up on sleep or had more clients to tend to than usual.

I called Mom earlier to see how she was doing and to pass along the info I dug up on her family, but she had to let me go because the nurse that’s looking out for her was just arriving.

Speaking of health-related things, Tom doesn’t know yet how much they’ll charge every week for it, but he gave me an overview of the health, vision and dental insurance they offer. Copays are $25 in some cases and there’s a 1000-dollar deductible.

They had a health fair at work yesterday, which included some giveaways. It would’ve been neat to win the water pillow, which I would think would be heavy as hell but comfortable, though he did get a bagful of samples and other things. Eyeglass lens cleaner, sore muscle cream, yogurt bars, energy drinks and more. He said not to take anything till he researched it. Are you kidding? I wouldn’t take shit after bleeding like a faucet from those fish oil supplements!

I was talking with Nane about the strange spotting and bleeding I had and she wonders why she gets periods at 51. I wondered this myself once I went from 99% sure to 100% sure I wasn’t having kids. But unfortunately, a woman can’t just make an appointment and order up a hysterectomy like she can breast enhancements.

Not much else going on other than that Tom has to work tomorrow. His take-home pay for this week is going to be a little over $700. Sure beats $600 every other week from unemployment! It’s going to be close to a 4K month, though he doesn’t expect the OT to continue on much longer.

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