Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I called my mom today to wish her a happy birthday. She’s 80 now. Wow! We didn’t talk long, mostly because there wasn’t much to say. I didn’t realize she was still in a cast. Not surprisingly, she’s got friends around to help her out, so she’s not totally alone which is nice. I figured someone would be around to look in on her, though no one’s taking her to dinner or anything like that, I guess. Again I offered to fly to her if she could use an extra hand, but again she declined. I told her things were still going well here and she was glad to hear it. I mentioned my writing and she wasn’t interested. Mom’s just that way; if it’s something she can’t relate to or isn’t interested in, then it’s boring to her.

While I’m on the subject of writing, I joined Camp NaNoWriMo in hopes of motivating myself to get back into my writing. Call it one last-ditch effort to resurrect Bunny Nose.

Woke up to the Jes pest running the bulldozer. Lucky me, huh? It didn’t last long, though, before he roared out on the motorcycle. He wasn’t doing the drive but firebreak instead. Don’t know how many more days he’ll be bulldozing, but I should be sleeping later and later and so I shouldn’t have to deal with it so long as he doesn’t come down here. He might, though, cuz his nephew really did a half-assed job with the weeding.

Nane posted a new photo album with a couple of dozen pictures from her latest TR trip. They sure do have some beautiful places there! Even though she said she didn’t lose a pound during the trip, she looked the same as she usually looks in the two pictures she was in, which means she’s still skinny.

I giggled to myself after reading this chat on Facebook between her and a friend. She asked the friend how and why she came to learn German since she seems to know it quite well. The woman said she didn’t know it, actually, and had used a translator, but was trying to learn. Being the little devil I can be, I wanted sooo badly to say in German, “Well, my grammar may still be a bit shaky, but I only had to look up a few words of Nane’s latest posts ~ written by Dame Regenbogen WITHOUT a translator, hahaha!”

But that would earn me quite a strangling from Nane. I did joke about it in private with her, though. I just neglected to ask her what she sees in Jim if any of the pictures with guys in were him and not just people passing by. Then again, that would be coming from a woman who sees 98% of the male population as either boring or ugly anyway.

I “poked” Christiane cuz I was curious to see if she’d poke me back and she did. 


Poor Tom’s had to work OT twice so far this week. If we were still broke and struggling he’d probably be wishing for OT he couldn’t get. But now that we’ve got enough saved to live on for nearly half a year, they’re OTing him regularly.

I just worry my teeth might not hold out much longer, though I’m hoping they’ll at least wait till after the move. I just don’t want to have to focus on anything else right now even if we only have to pay $20 for every $100 worth of dental work.

I do not like the two dreams I had last night at all. I really hope I’m having a dry spell with the premonitions because if I’m not, then bad things could lie ahead for us, and Maliheh may lose her mother at the end of the year.

In one dream we were forced to do jury duty over and over again until it was sucking every last dime out of us. No one – not the courts or anyone else – would compensate us for our time and effort. We were literally broke all over again because of it. Finally, I put my foot down and said, “Hey, the state of California isn’t our parents, and even if they were, we’re adults here, so enough of this shit with being told what to do and robbed blind!”

In another dream, we were living in an apartment. I’ve noticed in real life that for some reason things usually start off smoothly enough with neighbors after we move. But within 4-6 months of moving they either become noisy or they move and noisy ones take their place. In the dream, I heard bumps and bangs in the dream and opened the door to the apartment. I didn’t see anything but stairs leading downward and the door to the apartment next to us. It hit me that it had probably been quiet so far only because the apartments below and next to us were empty. But now someone was moving in below us.

Again, I hope these dubious dreams don’t mean anything!

I was surprised to find both Dani and Dee unfriended me on Thoughts. They were always so nice to me, too. Out of curiosity, I asked them why but they wouldn’t tell me. Oh well, people gotta do what they gotta do.

Even more surprising is that Tom apparently has a Formspring account. Since when and why didn’t he tell me??? I’ll have to ask him when he gets in. But I went there to pick on Kim anonymously and give her at least a small dose of her own medicine. However, you have to join to search for somebody, not that I expect she’d use her real name anyway. She only uses her real name on Facebook which I know of. On the homepage is where it shows me which FB friends have an account there and Tom was one of them along with Aly, Adonis, and a Valleyheader named Ellen.

I’m sure Kim’s still bullshitting Aly as well as others, craftily turning herself into the victim once confronted and going right into denial as well as incognito.

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