Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Jes pest is on his very loud and very annoying bulldozer now. After just one day of rain??? We didn’t get that much rain. But I figured by now this guy, who seems to have absolutely no interests in life other than being an outdoor nuisance, would be starting to get pretty restless by now. I just hope this is the last time I’ve got to listen to God knows how many hours of this damn thing running and that we get out of here before he tackles the roof. For now, I’ve got a couple of hours of music queued up on the laptop and will just have to wait till later to watch any movies. Really hate it when a neighbor dictates when I can do what, especially when they’re hundreds of feet away.

I also hope this is the last cold spell for the year. It’s almost never this cool in June, but last night it felt like we were back up in Oregon. It got down to 45°! I dragged the heavy-duty comforter back out and as long as I stayed hunkered down under that thing I could sleep without the heat. When I got up, it was only 66° in here so I threw the portable on till later in the morning.

I had less than 1500 calories yesterday but I’m afraid that’s only because I was busy as hell and not because I suddenly possess this amazing sense of self-control. I was busy gutting old photo albums of the pictures that have yet to be scanned into the computer. That way we don’t buy the scanner till we get moved but we also don’t lug the 6 albums over there either. After I pulled out the unscanned pics, they took up about the same space as one album but weren’t as heavy.

I also started rearranging what I’ve currently got in my picture files and once we do get things scanned in I plan to redo my online photo albums on Facebook, Photobucket and maybe Webshots.

Tomorrow’s mom’s 80th birthday. Wow. She must feel so old, lonely and depressed. I go back and forth where my feelings for this woman are concerned. Sometimes I feel no pity for her. Why should I sympathize with someone who caused me so many years of grief? But I do sometimes. Sometimes I can just imagine how horrible she must be feeling these days and I can’t help but feel a sting of empathy tug at my heart.

I do wonder, however, why Tammy’s leaving me out of the loop where Mom’s concerned. I asked her to fill me in on her trip and how mom’s doing and all that but she hasn’t said a thing. Is she holding out on me for some reason or am I just imagining that she is?

Aly told me Kim’s now on Formspring (so much for going offline “forever”) but Aly hates that site as much as Andy and I have come to hate it. Kim said the only way she’d return to Ask would be if Aly created a new account so I can’t find hers.

LOL, don’t flatter yourself, bitch. When I decide I don’t want anything to do with someone, the last thing I’m going to care about is checking up on them.

Other than getting sick of Kim’s lies and delusions and the same old questions she asks over and over, Aly assured me that she won’t let her play her against me. I know we’re tight as friends, though, so I’m not worried about Kim coming between us at all.

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