Thursday, June 14, 2012

I’m totally loving the freedom I’ve been having from trolls lately. :) Who knows just how much shit I blamed on Molly that was really Kim’s doing? I’m just glad to be rid of them both! I’ll definitely make this a friends-only entry. I would think they’d still be checking up on me every now and then and I don’t want to mention them in public and give them the incentive to go back to tormenting me. On MyOpera I can only see if I’ve gotten visitors, not who or where they are. 3 years of Molly’s shit, then some from Kim on Ask where she knew she could be anonymous, was more than enough.

I’m now able to post more and more things publicly on Facebook without having to worry they’re going to harass my friends. I’ve already alerted them about Molly, though, so they know to block anything they may get from that name. She’s never bothered my Facebook friends that I know of. Just on blogging and other sites.

It was nice chatting some more this morning with Nane, Irene and Christiane. Christiane commented on the pet mice album I uploaded to Facebook as part of my picture reorganization project I’ve got going.


In less than 5 hours is our 18th wedding anniversary. :) Too bad he has to spend it working his ass off for 10 hours with a bunch of incompetent idiots that only make his job harder, while I sleep it away. But on the bright side, they’re just throwing away more money that lands in his pockets, and we fully intend to make up for it over the weekend. Saturday morning will be shopping at Walmart and Sunday morning will be pigging out at the IHOP. We really hope he doesn’t have to work on Saturday, but that will just turn his $200 in OT into $400 if he does.

I’m hoping we’ll be on a bus line when we move so I can take the bus to the dentist when I start dealing with that, and not have to have Tom use any of his days off. He earns a day off for every month he works, but when you figure that no matter what they end up doing to my teeth it’s going to probably take a dozen appointments to do it in, I don’t know that he’d even have enough days off. We can’t count on the dentist having evening appointments available and we certainly don’t want him taking any time off from work just to cart me to and from appointments.

I’m ahead of my writing deadline, so that’s good. I expect to hit the 50K-word minimum by the end of the month but don’t know if the book will be done by that point. Probably not. Like I said before, this is a more intricate plot with more characters involved.

The Jes pest came down on the ATV just after I’d gotten up and gave Tom a box of shit to pour down the toilet. It’s something to treat the septic with. Then off it went. It’s never gonna get the meaning of “call first” and it’s never going to want to get it. But it is going to be getting some bad news soon enough, hee hee! Yeah, 14 days and counting, then we can spring into action and start actively looking for a place instead of just having ideas of what’s out there.

Although not the least bit surprised, I was dismayed to see Kim created yet another account on Ask. She hasn’t harassed me (yet) but I saw she’d asked Aly questions when I went to ask/answer her questions. I blocked the account, though I know it won’t do me any good when she wants to tell me anonymously that God hates me and she “smells” a loser in me.

I hadn’t heard from Aly in nearly a week and I was beginning to wonder what was up with her. I figured she was having a hard time and sure enough, she said she’s been having trouble sleeping again. I know she’s also been struggling with depression and is in therapy for that.

Christiane’s been on and off my mind since she commented on my photo album and I have to wonder why it always makes me feel good to hear from her. I guess it’s because I kind of like her and am a bit attracted to her. I’m not drooling over her or anything like that. She’s attractive but not that attractive.

Nane’s been blowing off some of my messages and emails, but still “liking,” commenting and posting things to my wall on Facebook, so it’s not like she hasn’t been around.

I woke up to a message from Maliheh that was left at 2pm, but I didn’t get up till 5pm. All she said is what she usually says: You there?

So I probably won’t know what’s up with her till we chat.

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