Sunday, May 19, 2002

It just dawned on me that I forgot to fax Scot the certificate I got at Lee High School. This was when I was at Valleyhead, chosen amongst a few others to do a 7-week vocational training program in business ed./computers, food service, horticulture landscaping, auto body/metalworking/drafting blueprint reading, as written on the certificate.

So, rather than fax it and have him be all confused and wondering why I faxed it all of a sudden, I’m mailing it with an enclosed note letting him know that I forgot to include this copy for him and that I’d be willing, if need be, to take a test showing that my reading comprehension skills are not low, so long as it’s no additional cost to us.

The part I left out, that he doesn’t need to know, is that I’m not spending another dime on these damn freeloaders! Not other than what’s already been agreed upon. Well, unwillingly agreed upon, I should say. I never “agreed” to any of this shit. Also, I shouldn’t have to pay to prove to this state that I can understand what I read. It’s none of their concern.

Worries, worries, worries! That’s all I ever have. I see a scary pattern when I think of all the things I’ve worried over for no reason, and better not to have had a reason in the end, but I don’t need this shit! It’s a never-ending slew of one fucking thing after another and there are no guarantees that I’m worrying for nothing in this case! All I do is hear Scot coming out and telling me that they insist I take multiple classes a week for many weeks, never mind the money it’d cost. The question is what to do about it if he does say I have to do something that’s over my head. File a lawsuit of some kind? Kill myself? Run? Do the rest of my probation locked up?

And what will be next when this is over, however it’s destined to end?

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