Saturday, May 25, 2002

Just a quick update before I work out. We bombed earlier, so I feel a lot more comfortable around here at night.

The property across from next door is for sale. In fact, every other property around here seems to be for sale in light of the new subdivision they’re building and the one they’re going to start building.

I took the back off of my tall brown bookcase that’s in my office. It was a brown cardboard backing, and it looks better without it. The light-colored wall behind it brightens things up.

They sent me another certificate for free shipping and handling along with Chris, and I contemplated a few different $25 dolls for a while, then decided not to bother. They’d probably send me a coupon with every order and I can’t be getting that many dolls, and even if I could, they don’t have that many I really like. I also meant it when I said I wanted to cut down on receiving things in the mail. Especially dolls. I’d rather learn to paint and assemble the nicer, more expensive dolls anyway, for both myself and to sell.

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