Sunday, January 31, 2010

OMG, I feel like such a stupid fool and I am soooo embarrassed!!! Last night I asked Marie if she’d leave a message on our cell phone, letting her know we kept the ringer off all the time unless expecting a call (too many wrong numbers and sales calls). I wanted to hear her voice, but don’t want to talk live and make too many long-distance calls till Tom is working again.

So she left the message and wow, her voice really is low and deep and I would definitely never know it was her if I didn’t know any better as she doesn’t sound like no 15-year-old anymore! I love the sound of her voice. It’s both sexy and totally easy to picture it sounding utterly terrifying if she were pissed. For someone working her way into law enforcement, it’s the perfect voice! She said in an email that she was nervous, though she didn’t sound it. She sort of reminds me of Laurie H.

She also said, not fair! I want to hear your voice, too. So I left a message after I knew she’d be in bed. She said her ringer would be off then and I’d go straight to voicemail. I said something about how cool it was to hear her voice again (in her outgoing message) and that she sounded different there (her voice was higher). Then I suddenly remembered she likes people to speak Spanish to her and I started to end the message with “te amo” (I love you), but realized that Tom was standing right there and I didn’t want to make him uncomfortable, so I ended up stuttering like a fool when I quickly stopped myself and said “te extraño” instead (I miss you), so it came out like “te… te extraño.” Tom doesn’t speak Spanish, but I have taught him some basics and he knows “te amo” quite well. It wouldn’t have been the end of the world had I said that. I tell my friends I love and miss them all the time, but he knows she and I are a little more than just “friends.”

I was nervous as well which I didn’t expect. Do I really have that big a thing for this chick? Yeah, I obviously do, LOL!

Gosh, I feel like such a stupid idiot! I’ll call again some other time and try to make up for it, LOL.

I finally got to read Alison’s writing. I knew she’d be a good writer. I could tell that much by her tweets and messages to me. She’s bi but does romance with straight lead characters whereas I do suspense with gay leads. She posted her first chapter on Blogger and it was great. Easy to follow, interesting, and she kept the action going at a good pace, too. I sent her an email, gave her my feedback, then gave her the start of my “Januscript.” She reads most of my stories.

I went to send Jan’s husband a letter and the story, but it bounced back. Figures, huh? Maybe it’s not meant to be. I did email the company itself, but all I could say there was that I was looking for Jim regarding Jan, but his email on Jigsaw bounced. As expected, I haven’t heard anything today what with it being Sunday.

I can’t believe the daughters didn’t get the message and pass it on to Jan. I think I just didn’t leave enough info about myself for Jan to remember me. Or maybe she just doesn’t care, but either way, certainly one of them has gotten the message by now. If I don’t get a response from the hubby, I’ll try the son as a last resort, and that’ll be it.

Speaking of my writing, Eileen’s either busy reading or thoroughly disgusted cuz I haven’t heard from her today, LOL.

Other than sounding like a stuttering fool with a serious brain tumor, not much else is going on. I’m still getting backaches and Tom’s ear is still bothering him. Worst-case scenario he goes to a free clinic and waits 50 years to see a doctor, but hopefully he won’t have to.

He gave me a back rub earlier which helped, but it’s only a matter of time before it starts up again.

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