Friday, January 7, 2011

Another boringly short and sweet entry. There’s just not much to say. The propane people woke me up a few hours into my sleep. It took me an hour to fall back asleep so I didn’t get up till 10:30 which means I’ll be up through the worst of Jesse’s random engine gunning. Right before 9am yesterday he had the truck going for a few minutes. Just when I thought it was nice that it was only for a few minutes and not 10, he does the same shit all over again just 15 minutes later.

That’s when I said to myself, “I want to move!” But I know that whatever’s up there that placed this noise curse on me nearly 20 years ago would only have the noise follow me to wherever we moved to and we’d get some fluke of a situation next to us there, too. It’s plenty obvious he’s not going to get a new truck just like it’s plenty obvious that influencer or not, whatever’s determined to sic this shit on me made sure he totaled his other truck as a way of making up for the dogs and their lack of barking lately.

I hate to have the sound machines blaring away but come 7:00 I’ll have to turn them on if I don’t want my train of thought disrupted when I’m trying to work at MT or on my writing.

I may’ve mentioned this before but I have a huge fan in Dublin, OH. I suspect it’s Christine, the one who always used to come in from the university in Columbus and still does. It’s just hard to believe I’d have two very dedicated fans in the same state. Especially at just 11 miles apart from what my research told me. They seem to be in more often now that I’ve been posting my bio in little chunks. But if they were that devoted to my journal and my life, wouldn’t they have already read my bio entries? Guess I’ll never know.

Oh, wow. They were obviously pretty impatient for my next entry, LOL. They checked in just after midnight, then again just now. But if it’s my OSU fan, could they really afford to be staying up all night like this? Maybe it’s a friend of Christine’s that she discussed my journal with.

I’ve only been up a few hours and already I’ve eaten like crazy. I’m basically set for life on calories, LOL.

Some of these Facebook applications are a joke. I just did a “quiz” called What Were You Born For? It asks about 10 questions about my basic lifestyle and way of thinking. The last question asks if I want kids, I say no, and what should the end result be? Oh, just that I was born to have a family. LOL, cute, huh?

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