Sunday, January 2, 2011

Ha, ha, the rat spun around the wooden support of the kitchen chair like a little gymnast but landed on his back after his dismount, the poor little guy. He seems to think that climbing onto the chairs will get him treats easier than if he stands on my foot.

Other than my rat being a little acrobat, nothing else is really going on. It’s back to work for Tom tomorrow and no doubt back to being annoying for Jesse. Especially since the weather’s supposed to dry up and go back up into the 50s.

Last night I was surprised to get a view at 2am from Maliheh’s town, but then I noticed the different IP address and realized it wasn’t her. Strange coincidence, though.

I “came clean” as far as the depth of my feelings for her, too. Hopefully, she won’t take things the wrong way, but we’ll see. She’s got the carpet cleaners coming to her place so she spent the day moving furniture. She must make a lot of money to afford all these services.

Marie’s been checking in on MyOpera regularly now that she can’t go to MD (I think it was her) and she opened entries with her name. I wonder if she was really asking me to kick her past entries out and not mention her from now on. No can do if that’s the case, though. I’m tired of editing my journal to suit the needs of others! I’ll still respect Maliheh’s wishes of course, but I’m not going to edit or delete hundreds of past entries that will probably never be read again other than by those who are paranoid about them.

Sometimes a part of me misses Marie. I think of her a lot and hope for the best for her, but I know some things just don’t change and I don’t want her back in my life. She’s not the piece of shit she was last year? Well, she was never a piece of shit, but I’m not stupid either. She’ll never change. Even the doctors obviously can’t help her. All that therapy and drugs, but none of it seems to do a damn bit of good.

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