Sunday, May 27, 2012

Got over 200 views yesterday on MyOpera. It’s got to be the troll. Who else would view me that obsessively?

Not much to update on other than that I awoke at 8pm with my allergies going off like crazy. Had to take a Benadryl even though I knew it would knock me out and I didn’t want to go back to sleep. But I ended up napping from 10:30 - 12:30, so I’m definitely good to go for today’s plans. We plan to bomb the place and go out to eat and pick up our mail while we have to be out of here. We might even browse some shops, though I don’t know which ones.

People have been asking when I’m going to put out more stories. Well, more than likely I’m not. I really think I’m all dried up there. It’s sort of like with the instruments and the drawing. I did it for a while and then lost interest in it. I don’t see myself ever not keeping a journal, though. But you never do know. Maybe next week I’ll get an awesome story idea and I’ll just have to put it to print.

To my surprise, it did end up raining a bit yesterday. We don’t know how much or how long since we were both asleep, but the windows were wet when I got up.

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