Wednesday, October 11, 2023

We got our flu shots yesterday and we’re feeling the effects of it. He also got the pneumonia shot which you only get once that I got back in 1999. It’s changed since then so his is probably better. My arm got sore right away but it isn’t sore today. I’m just tired and have a low-grade fever, though it’s hard to tell how much fatigue is what I have most of the time anyway. I’m in a very lazy mood and we both agreed not to do any work and just relax and do fun things.

We golfed and later I plan to hit the US border. I’m about to reach the god-awful state of Texas where guns have more rights than women. I’m about 12% through the trip with 2530 more miles to go. My rank is in the 140s.

Anyway, he’s tired as well with a slight fever and also achy. I’m not achy. I even managed to go out for a quick walk earlier. It’s pretty humid out today. We’re supposed to get rained on but most of the time they say that we don’t.

Still radio silence from Kim. This is one of those times I really miss having Aly around because she would probably have a better sense of what was going on. Telling Kim what she wouldn’t want to hear tells me I’ve been ghosted but then I would think she’d at least be a little curious about what I was saying in my emails to her even if she planned never to reply. Or maybe not because she knows it’s not in public where others can see it. Only time will tell if it’s that or she got in trouble and had her phone taken away but I’m going to enjoy the break from her whether it’s temporary or permanent.

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