Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I got a score of 100% on my first 3 Catalan lessons! Still plugging away with the German too, and reviewing my other languages – Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, etc.

Marie is going to see Tammy this weekend, a former girlfriend from Valleyhead who’s now married with kids. I know she’s really excited about it, so I hope she has fun and enjoys the visit!

Some people have asked what happened with Maliheh and me in court. Well, we never got that far. I had other legal issues going on in a nearby town at the time. Maliheh’s case was in another town which was dismissed on January 15, 1992. Part of the deal was that her case would be dropped if I agreed to plead guilty for the pranks I committed on a company that was taking me to court in the other town, and I did. As my lawyer told me at the time, the DA would rather try to nail my ass for calling a big company as opposed to calling one person.

Maliheh’s upset with me because her friends are dumping her on Facebook.

And that’s supposed to be my fault?

I see she picked up the messages I sent her on MySpace back before I knew what was going on.

Andy and I swap a few messages here and there on Formspring and it’s great. I love laughing over old times and catching up on the present. It’s just enough contact to keep in touch, but not so much that it keeps me from my work and the other things I do.

I told Tom I gave Andy my own phone number and he said that wasn’t a good idea. He said that since he obviously must not trust me since he hasn’t given me his number or email address, now he has a weapon to use against me if he gets mad at me again whether I deserve it or not. I asked how he could use it as a weapon, and he said he got slammed with prank calls on his cell about a year ago.

“And you’re just now telling me this?” I asked him, and he said he didn’t want to worry or upset me, but why would it? Besides, I don’t have to answer if I see a number I don’t recognize.

It is kind of interesting that he hasn’t given me any contact info. He doesn’t seem to have anything vengeful planned, but I’m not worried either way. I don’t want him to tell me anything he doesn’t want to tell me, and these days a phone is hardly a “weapon” to use against anyone. I’m just surprised anyone would have the guts to make prank calls these days. It’s too damn easy to get caught, even if you block your number. The cell and landline numbers have been previously issued to other people, so whoever the caller was might have also been dialing randomly or thinking they were calling someone else.

Tom just came in cuz he just wanted to make sure I didn’t want to yell at him some more before he gets to doing what he’s doing, and I said no, I’ll yell at him later, LOL.

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