Monday, October 17, 2011

Got to wake up to barking this morning. Fun, huh? But they surprised me by shutting up just a few minutes later.

It’s warm and sunny today and other than that early barking fit, it’s been pretty quiet.

I heard from Irene, but still nothing from Nane. I’m about ready to give up on her. What’s the point in sticking around for someone who’s never around herself?

I also heard from Christine and my sister. Although Tammy hates rats she fell in love with a couple of pictures of them hugging miniature teddy bears.

I figured out what’s causing FF to crash. It’s not FF itself, but Facebook instead.

Wish I had more to say but I just don’t. Andy’s back from Phoenix, I cleaned the kitchen and worked out, and now I’m going to work on one of my stories.

Took the troll’s block off for the day just to see how consistently she may be checking for access. Nothing so far today, but I’ll reblock her before bed.

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