Saturday, October 8, 2011

I had inserted pictures between paragraphs on the last couple of posts, but people told me it made it hard to read. I guess that depending on one’s screen size and resolution, it might look good to some but not to everyone. Therefore, I’ll just insert pics at the beginning and end of these entries.

Andy left for a week-long vacation in Phoenix yesterday. Hope he has fun! He won’t have online access so I promised to stock him up on Formspring questions over the week so he can “finish the sentences” when he gets back. Yeah, we got this game going where I grab a paragraph of my journal or something like that, knowing the character limit will cut off the last sentence, and he fills it in with something goofy. :)

I miss Nane, as usual. She said she’d be back on the 3rd, and I know her busiest times at work are toward the beginning of the month, but I’m a little surprised she didn’t at least send a quick hello. Is she really that busy that she couldn’t do that much? I hope nothing’s wrong, but I don’t think so. She appears to have been on Facebook on and off so unless I’m misunderstanding how things work there or there’s a glitch somewhere, she’s definitely alive and kicking!

Another Friday has passed where we’re relieved to know that Tom will be returning to work on Monday. :)

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