Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Not sure if I should be worried about the dream I had last night – or this morning – as would be more appropriate. No one busted in and dragged my ass off to Arizona or anything like that. God also didn’t decide we should be poor again but this time at someone else’s expense by allowing Tom’s hard-earned wages to be garnished. But I pissed off a PO I didn’t know was my PO.

We were living in what appeared to be the Phoenix house which is no surprise because for some reason many of my dreams take place there. Only they seemed to have added an extra bath. They put it where the oven was, LOL.

They also seemed to do things backward these days where you would get a PO assigned to you upon suspicion while an investigation was run and you possibly went to court, too.

At one point there was a knock on the door. “We shouldn’t answer it,” I said to Tom, unsure if anyone was investigating me. “Right?”

“It’s probably just a spam visit generated by a contest you entered or something you signed up for. I think it’s a real estate agent wanting to sell the house,” Tom said.

I peeked out the vertical blinds and saw a stout, middle-aged Mexican woman. Then Tom peeked out and jostled the blinds while he was at it. I said, “Hey, don’t let her see someone’s home!”

The next day we were pulling out of the driveway when the Mexican lady ran up to my open window and let me have it for ignoring her. Then she shouted about being “done with me” and that I would have to get another PO. She was gone before I could even say one single word in defense of myself.

It seems I misunderstood Andy and ended up irritating him when I certainly didn’t mean to. But it also seems we have different definitions of what’s porn and what’s funny unless I’m misunderstanding him more than I realize. He said something like it not being porn unless it turned me on, but I thought exposed dicks and pussies were considered porn whether or not it turned you on. And it doesn’t. Maybe I’m just weird, but I prefer sexy to trashy. Exposed privates never did a thing for me. I find a woman sexier with clothes on even if it’s not much at all. Meaning it never amused or turned me on and I told him this. But I won’t simply ignore any future pics he may send. As he said, that’d be lame.

Alison wants to meet him, though, because they’re both into porn, so I emailed him her email addy.

Had the runs again today and I don’t know why. I don’t think I’m nerved up enough for the runs, so maybe it was cuz I ate so damn much yesterday, like 2000 calories. We may look better when we’re thin, but it’s still so nice to know that as long as I work out 3 times a week I can eat an average of 1500 calories a day without getting any fatter. :)

Based on the article Tom read, a natural disaster that kills a third or half the population isn’t necessary. Supposedly, the experts say the world population will peak at 9 billion in 2070 and then start dropping from there. Meanwhile, the world’s food source is nowhere near at risk and the earth could probably support up to 20 billion people. Well, maybe so, but when I go to Walmart at the wrong times I sure wish half of NorCal’s population would cease to exist.

We’ve been able to leave the windows open for several nights this month. I don’t think we’ve ever been able to do that before in the month of October, so it’s been nice. However, we have to shut them up tonight. It’s going to get down into the low 50s.


Just created a new Tumblr blog. Not sure yet if I’m going to stick with it. It’s very different yet similar to other blogging sites like Blogger and MyOpera. I like how outsiders can see my customized background but hate the boring teal user interface I can’t seem to customize. That’s the part that’s different, though MD is that way too, where it looks different from the outside in than from the inside out.

I’m still fairly new to Tumblr. I’ve had accounts there before but always ended up elsewhere so I never really got a chance to explore much of the site.

I like how adding code is easier than any other blogging site I’ve used but I don’t like how I could customize my background only once. Then when I went to add a customized theme to see if the design would overlay itself against my chosen background, it would not let me re-customize the damn thing. So for now I’m stuck with a boring plaid theme. At least I could change it from purple plaid to pink plaid.

I like how they give you separate ways to upload different things – text, photos, videos, etc., instead of doing it all in one entry.

I’m not going to spread this link around publicly just yet due to Molly, though I suppose that somehow, someway, she’ll find me even though this site doesn’t ask for real names, and she doesn’t, to my knowledge, know any of my email addresses. I also used a username I’ve never been known to use before but did allow for indexing.

Instead of marking my MyOpera and MD blogs private, I’ll probably just let them sit as is for now. I don’t care about Blogger and LiveJournal, but I still love MyOpera and MD too much to simply dump them. Besides, I have friends there. I posted the link on Facebook because that account is private, but made sure not to auto-tweet my posts. Not until I test the IP blocker on a friend’s IP. If I could know I can block trolls, then I can share my blog link more freely. For now, I’m only giving it to my closest friends in private.

I don’t like how the search feature doesn’t work or how I can’t allow commenting. There is a way, I guess, but it’s a complicated setup. I’m not big on comments anyway.

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