Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Not much to update on other than that we’re having a mix of sun and rain. Right now it’s raining, but later the sun will be out and it will be in the 70s. Then the next few days it will be in the 80s.

That’s it, for now, other than that I started working out twice a day. I’m doing two half-hour workouts on the treadmill, and then I work my arms and abs. I’m just curious to see if it will boost my metabolism and cause my weight to go down, but I doubt it will. I think I could work out 8 hours a day and still not lose weight unless I starve. But I still prefer the negatives of being fat as opposed to the constant hunger and fatigue that would come with starving.


They’re coming! The propane people are coming! Yes, this Friday we will no longer have to switch back and forth between little 5-gallon tanks every other week. It cost us $250 for 100 gallons but it should last for months (it better). So no more little tanks until the next time he gets laid off which hopefully won’t be before April, and if it is, hopefully we’ll have enough money saved by then to hold us over till he’s once again eligible for Unemployment. I know it may fall along the lines of negative thinking but after 4 years of struggling and 3 layoffs, how can I believe this is it and that we’re finally on our way up to stay? Or at least to stay for longer than a few months?

Gave the rat a bath with the baby shampoo recommended online. Instead of holding him under a small stream of water trickling in the tub, I filled the sink with warm water. He struggled a bit, but not too much. He liked it best when I was lathering him up.

Still having trouble focusing on my writing. I’ve got the ideas in my head; it’s just focusing long enough to get myself to put much of them into print that I’ve been having trouble with lately.

Love how I can schedule my blog entries for later publication. I think I’ll publish this part tomorrow morning even though it’s late morning on Tuesday right now. That way the entries will be more evenly spaced out.

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