Saturday, October 1, 2011

OMG, it’s October, we’re alive and I just don’t believe it that’s how hopeless our situation looked two weeks ago! Last night would have been our last night. The plan was to go right before the rent was due, figuring we were paid up through September anyway.

It got me thinking about this prayer thing. I didn’t know until yesterday that Andy was praying right along with me for Tom to get a job when our lovely government decided we weren’t worth housing and feeding throughout the next 6 months. Well, maybe just like some of us are more prone to dream premonitions than others, maybe some of us are more likely to get our prayers granted than others. I prayed several times over the last several months for him to get a job. Nothing listened to me before and maybe it didn’t the last time either. Maybe it was Andy it listened to. Better one of us than none of us because most of the things I’ve prayed for were not granted despite how fair and reasonable my requests were.

Not much else going on now other than wondering what I’m doing still alive and thinking about the next batch of eBay listings.


Why is bra plural and panties singular? This is a really good question since we have two boobies and one pussy.

It totally blows my mind to know that if things hadn’t turned around like they did for us and in the nick of time too, my husband and I would be lying side by side right now dead in bed with our beloved pet rat lying between us, waiting for our bodies to be discovered. Instead, I’m sitting here writing this.

Anyway, Facebook finally came out with a really cool app that tells you who writes on your wall most and what their top 3 words are. Nane would rank #1 instead of #12 if we didn’t spend so much time chatting privately. But we do so because much of what we discuss isn’t exactly suitable for public, LOL.

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