Tuesday, September 4, 2012

As I said on Facebook yesterday, if I can piss people off without even trying, I’d hate to think of what I could do if I actually did try. I was joking with Nane about something and it sort of backfired. She took it all wrong when I was only teasing her yet I still felt bad about it. Finally, I decided that if all I could do was piss people off I better get the hell offline altogether. I was beat by the time we returned yesterday anyway.

Where I dreamt about Molly’s mother like crazy the night before last, last night all I had were nightmares. In two of the dreams, someone broke into the house I was living in which looked nothing like any place I’ve ever really lived in before. I woke up running from one intruder and attacking the other.

We went to 4 different parks yesterday, 2 in the state capital and 2 in nearby towns. Saw some totally gorgeous houses we’ll never have along the way, too. Yeah, it kinda sucks to know we’ll probably never live in a real house again and that we’ll be spending the rest of our lives in trailers, but if they’re not as old, small and dumpy as this place, it won’t matter what it is so long as it’s livable.

I liked each park that I saw better than the last with one HUGE disappointment in the last park. The reason I liked the last two better than the first two was that they weren’t as cramped. The first one was super cramped and even Tom agrees I may not be able to sleep well there. Those trailers are literally packed in like sardines! Furthermore, the two that were for sale were in the worst locations within the park. One was right on the pool and clubhouse, another was backed up right against someone’s parking space. The truck there would literally park right against the bedroom wall. Usually, you at least get a few feet, but not with that place. That truck was just inches away.

The manager greeted us along the way and seemed very nice, and while the park itself was cute and the pool looked so inviting, this one would be our last choice. Even if I could be up during the daytime every day, I think it would get annoying as hell in those particular locations.

Another thing the parks have is RV parking. I definitely wouldn’t want to be near that section of the park either.

So we went through the parks, grabbing flyers and writing down numbers on signs that were on some of the trailers and manufactured homes. I loved the way they would decorate them and all the different plants and trees around the place. I saw plenty of wind chimes too, so no worries about having to give those up. I would prefer to be on and next to lots with gravel instead of grass cuz then I wouldn’t have to worry about mowers. As it is I really think there’s going to be a lot of yard and street activity like what we saw – people trimming trees and bushes, walking their dogs, gabbing in the streets. It’s better than a bunch of screaming kids or loud car stereos tearing through the place, but in some ways, it could be noisier there than here. The only difference is that the noise would be more spread out and hopefully not as loud and concentrated, so to speak.

There are other minor nuisances that could be an issue. Nothing we couldn’t deal with, though. Well, most people smoke, and when you have your windows open that could mean having to deal with smoke wafting into the place with people that close to us.

It was in the last park that I was immensely disappointed to hear 3 dogs, yes 3 dogs, going ballistic. One jumped in an open window and went off on me when I got out to grab a flyer. I didn’t think of that but it makes sense that in a climate where windows can be left open most of the year, dogs would be on the lookout waiting to bark at whoever passed by. And if you’ve got your own window open and there are 8 trailers packed in tightly around you, front, back and on the sides, the barking might not be much better than in the all-ages areas. We only saw one cat the whole time. Pretty much anybody that could have a dog would choose that over a cat.

“We only heard barking in one park,” Tom pointed out. Yeah, but I still think it’ll be an issue on and off throughout the day in virtually any park. They may not be big dogs and they may not be left outside overnight, but there’s nothing in the rules we’ve ever seen that says you can’t leave dogs outdoors unattended or that you have to control their barking. Well, half a dozen to a dozen or so 3-minute barking sprees throughout the day can get just as old as non-stop barking. It all adds up. One place even had a little fence around part of it and there’s no reason they would have a fence like that in a place like that if it weren’t to leave dogs out. I’d hate to have my days sprinkled with barking from 7am – 10pm, but I really don’t think there’s going to be any escape from it no matter where we go. At least it won’t be an overnight thing like it sometimes is here with two big dogs going off for 8 or more hours at a time.

We never saw two of the dogs we heard so I can’t say if they too, ran up to open windows or if they were tethered outside. IDK, maybe the message all along has been trying to tell me to get my own dog. Hey, if we have to listen to barking anyway, maybe it should be our own for once and I’d really like to have a pet that lived 12-15 years instead of 2 like with rats. Beagles are kind of cute and I’ve heard good things about them, so we’ll see. First we gotta get into one of these places and I don’t know if we even can get into the nicer parks.

Tom’s gonna make some calls today from work. We’re gonna go for a newer doublewide first. I don’t expect to be able to get it, but we’ll start from our top choices and work our way down to what will probably be not much bigger and newer than this, but if it has enough space, well, we couldn’t make it newer, but we could make it nicer. That alone will make it seem newer. But you know we were meant to live in old dumps. Fortunately, the parks don’t allow old junky trailers from the 60s like this one. I think in California they can’t be older than 1970. I just wish they’d separate the smokers from the non-smokers, though I REALLY wish they’d separate the dog owners from the non-dog owners even if that meant just 5 trailers out of every 100.

Tom assured me we weren’t stuck here, though, and that even though he didn’t think we’d have to, we could take that dumpy old trailer in the sardine park for 2K. Well, it’s nice to know we could do that if this place burned down or something, but not nice to know it was our only option. I sure hope it isn’t, though it would certainly save us a helluva lot of money. Not even God could make us poor again in a place like that!

Anyway, if the monthly expenses are just 1 or 2 hundred dollars cheaper than this and it has an extra bedroom and bath and it’s OURS, that alone is a major improvement, barking or not.

I can’t wait to try this new nail design just as soon as we grab a newspaper from somewhere where you transfer newspaper print to a light-colored polish. The problem is my nails are so small, LOL. I’ll have to use fine print as I could barely get more than one letter onto my pinky.

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