Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Got our new Waterpik and had it unpacked and set up before Tom got up. It’s pretty simple to use. This is going to be a wonderful alternative to flossing.

Having money spoils you. I suppose it would do that to anyone. Even so, I have to remind myself not to get carried away with the extra luxuries just because I can. I used a Swiffer duster sheet instead of the dusting wand so I didn’t have to keep running outside to shake the dust out of it, and while it’s more expensive this way, it sure gets a lot of dirt, dust and grime that the other duster can’t get. I was amazed at how filthy the thing was when I was done. The other duster is flimsy and can’t get into small spaces as well and is best for things like ceiling fans and large open surfaces.

FB now has this thing - the highlights of 2012. I clicked on it and a bunch of rat pics flashed through, LOL. Yeah, big highlights of 2012 (besides Tom getting hired on), two dead parents and two live rats. :)

While this may be cool, FB is also pissing me off again not only with new changes, but now they’re spamming the newsfeeds and it’s getting pretty old pretty fast. This is part of why I dumped Twitter. Again, I suppose this would annoy anyone.

Sometimes I think of how I could just shut down my online life and be done with all the trolls, spam, scams and other nuisances. But the fun and convenience of it all is something I would greatly miss if I did.

Never thought I’d come to love my Romeo so much. Sugar’s a good guy, but Romeo has really weaseled his way into my heart. He started off extremely timid and is one of our dumber rats, but he’s catching on and now the rat that once ran and hid from me when I’d approach him runs up to me in hopes of me picking him up and giving him treats when I walk by his cage. Like most rats, he’s not big on cuddling but is becoming more playful. Instead of just exploring on his own when I let him out, he comes and “visits” me, too.

It’s hard for a rat to climb straight down and so I easily trained our last rat to step onto my head, which I would bring level with the roof of his cage when he’d climb up onto it. I would then lower myself face down to the floor and he would climb down my neck, down my back, then jump off. Sometimes you gotta literally walk a rat through the steps, so I placed my head even with the roof as usual and pulled him off of it and onto my head to show him how it’s done. Of course, this time I had Sugar, who thought it was a game, trying to playfully grab and nip my nose from inside the cage, LOL. So I gotta be careful when training Romeo to use me as a ladder!

So much for thinking a rainy day would keep the Jes pest away. It’s running something kind of loud up there. Him and his fucking loud engines and machinery! It’s not loud enough to be the bulldozer, though. Could be some type of water pump. Maybe his garage got flooded or something, though it didn’t rain that much today, and most of it was last night.

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