Thursday, December 6, 2012

Maliheh’s second to last email is appearing as not picked up. Why am I not surprised? And why do I think it never will be? I think she’s either going to ignore it or disable cookies when she goes to retrieve it.

That’s ok. Unless she was abducted by aliens and she can prove it, we’re done.

Lost 1.2 of the 3 pounds I gained for my birthday on all that Chinese food. I probably had 3000 calories that day, something I probably only do once every other year. I ate and I ate and I ate, but it was sooo good!

Got a voice message from Tammy and just as I started to get annoyed with my phone fanatic of a dear sister telling me to call to verify our address for packages she’s sending, she said I could leave the info on FB if I wanted to. I definitely prefer that to phones. It’s not only easier, but why use minutes on the cell and risk the call being dropped on the other phone when it’s sooo much easier to do it on FB, and at no additional cost? Besides, we always end up chatting for like forever, and next thing I know I’ve neglected whatever I had planned to do. I’ll call her in 6 months to a year, LOL. With the convenience of online communications that’s all I really need phone-wise these days anyway.

I’m looking forward to whatever it is she’s sending and am sure I’ll love it all! So will Tom.


Well, well, I was wrong. Maliheh picked up my shame-on-you-for-forgetting-my-birthday message 2 hours ago. But of course I haven’t gotten any reply. Went and changed her pro pic and cover pic on FB, too. Oh, but she doesn’t use FB, right? Seems she once told me she only uses it to see who’s died. She must expect an awful lot of people to be dying then.

Molly’s back. She viewed my blog, but no time registered on my tracker and I don’t think she asked any of the questions I was asked anonymously on Ask. She’s still at Marbridge, though.

Been getting hit with spam like crazy. I still can’t figure out where it’s coming from or who’s doing it. Hopefully, they’ll realize soon enough that they aren’t going to get anything from me and will back off.

Tom ordered the Waterpik which should be a much easier solution to flossing.

Life is going tremendously well for us, but since it’s in my nature to be a complainer no matter what’s going on, let me say that it really annoys me when people say something like, “Your life is going well. Thank God, huh?”

Ok, so I know that “thank God” is a commonly used figure of speech. I use it too, at times. But some people seem to take that quite literally, and while this doesn’t offend me, it does annoy me. They’re thanking the wrong person if that’s what they think. Let’s give credit where it’s due, folks. God’s not the one who gets up at 4am to slave his ass off for 10 hours each day. My husband is. God may’ve influenced the job his way and the good pay and benefits and all that since it’s only reasonable to assume that if He can curse us, He can bless us, and vice versa, but it’s my husband who actually does the work, folks.

Also, my online jobs are done by me. Not God. God doesn’t throw me on my treadmill and scissor my little legs back and forth for a half-hour at a time. I do. He doesn’t clean our kitchen or wash our laundry either. Get what I’m saying, folks? It took a long time to get to where we are today, but it’s us who worked hard to achieve the goals we have already achieved and will continue to achieve.

I’m really worried about Alison. First it was her cancer and now it’s depression and money issues. That girl just can’t seem to get a break in life. Now she might be breaking up with Dustin. It’s sad that she blames herself for everything. Dustin and others can’t be perfect, can they? And can she really be all that bad? I don’t think so. It’s just sad to see such a nice, smart person be so miserable. This is the type of misery crazy assholes like Kim deserve. Who knows, maybe she is miserable deep down. Isn’t that why she wants to be anybody but herself?

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