Thursday, July 25, 2024

Beauty may be a subjective thing, but what did Andy ever see in Stevie Nicks? She's so ordinary-looking. The bulk of his posts are Stevie and God-related, as usual. Well, some nice paintings are mixed in too.

I'll always love the guy, but even if he didn't frustrate me by believing everyone’s a liar and if he could remember the things I told him, what do we have in common except for some past funny memories? I don't think we've had much in common for the past 25 years or so, but hey, to each their own.

Vegging out in bed, talk-typing this entry with my phone in its new holder. The neck doesn't move as easily as I thought it would, but it's still a really nice thing to have. It’s definitely easier not needing to hold the phone. It does bounce a bit when I tap it, though.

Love my new lipstick too, and my new mug even more. Even Tom thinks the mug is really cool. Definitely want to get more sometime!

The mixer works well, and since I don't do shakes often, I can't wait to at least get some eggs and make scrambled eggs with it.

The only thing I don't like is the patchouli incense. It doesn't smell the least bit like patchouli.

My second package comes today with the rug-making stuff.

We had a storm earlier, but the loudest one, luckily, was after I got up. Even though nothing woke me up, I still woke up tired. Ironically, it comes after a cheat day. We went out to Walgreens yesterday, and I got a few caramel chews and we got a bag of Cheetos to share.

Another abortion ban is to go into effect, but again, they'll just go to other states or have the abortion pill mailed to them. If they can't get it mailed directly to them, they’ll just have someone else do it. I don't know what it is they think they're accomplishing other than, at worst, inconveniencing women. It's all about using religious delusions as a means of control. I wonder if they're trying to raise the birth rate too, which has been falling steadily for decades now. As if we need more people in the world!

Tom and I were talking about the US in general, and we're both so stunned by how much it's stepping back into the Dark Ages as the right-wing cancer creeps further into the country and the Democrats accomplish absolutely nothing. Whenever I used to think of this country, I would think of it in modern terms, being so advanced socially, technically, and in other ways. But it's not. Maybe it once was, but it certainly isn't now.

What floors me is that there are so many more people like me than there are extremists, yet the extremists are so powerful that it's like the rest of us are powerless to fight back against them. There are so many obvious wrongs in the world that people just don't seem interested in righting. Any idiot with half a brain can see that it's wrong for insurance companies or politicians to make our medical decisions for us and not us and our doctors, yet no one does a damn thing about it.

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