Wednesday, July 17, 2024

I'm having a very cold and tired day. The weird thing is that I start off the first few hours of my day feeling cold—not every day, but enough days to worry me that my TSH is out of control. After I eat, I warm up a little, and even more so if I have a glass of wine.

I'm tired because I was up for a long time. I've been doing that a lot lately, so I hope I fall asleep on time tonight. I haven't been able to remember my dreams for the last few nights, and it's been a while since I've snored, as far as I know. So, I'm not sleeping too badly, just up for a long time. Who knows if part of the fatigue is tied to my thyroid or not? I still worry that I'll have to increase my dose without knowing if it's due to the gland dying some more or absorption issues. I have symptoms that say I'm hypo and others that say I'm not, but I would bet just about anything that my numbers aren't good, as usual. Did something make me lose my gallbladder so I could have absorption issues, leaving me unable to get my TSH consistently in the single digits now that I've beaten most of the anxiety? I swear it's like I'm not meant to have a good TSH! When the same thing keeps happening over and over, it's hard to believe it's all one big coincidence, but that still doesn't mean I believe in God. I just don't know what to think anymore.

It's funny how those affected by Hurricane Beryl are praising God for giving them their electricity back, but they won't hold Him accountable for allowing it to happen in the first place.

I just wish I knew what was wrong with my brain. I swear I'm demented at times. I made us burgers earlier, and I couldn't keep things straight to save my life. I like my bun toasted, so I toasted one. But then, like an idiot, I put ketchup on what was going to be his burger, so he ended up with the toasted bun.

We had a nice thunderstorm earlier, which waited until I got up. My luck is going to run out soon, though, as I push onto nights. I was a little concerned when I heard a state of emergency was declared in Upstate New York because of powerful storms.

Thanks to my shitty vision, I set the cross-stitching kit aside for now. It's not only hard to see overall, but since the back of the canvas isn't marked, it's hard to see where I'm going when I poke the needle from back to front.

Surprisingly, there's been nothing for a while from Andy regarding his weight. No more declarations of milestones reached or photos, and I'm wondering if maybe he hit a plateau. That's what usually happens, and then the weight comes flying back.

I've been continuing to follow the post regarding the corner nut job. While I believe she should be evicted and made to live on her own, it kind of pisses me off that my complaints about barking and motorcycles weren't “valid.” Your complaints and feelings only matter if most people can relate. Otherwise, no one gives a shit, and no one wants to hear it.

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