Monday, July 15, 2024


It still never ceases to amaze me how many people support Trump. He could rape women and kill people right under people’s noses, and everybody would still love him. WTF is wrong with people?!

Everybody’s sorry he was shot at, but sometimes, in order to fight evil, it must be eradicated. Period. Sometimes there really is no getting around that because it cannot be reasoned with or kept at bay in any other way. No, it wouldn’t get rid of all the poisonous people in the world, but one less delusional extremist vying for dictatorship is better than nothing.

Even Biden is condemning the attack. But why? Trump has had nothing but shitty things, true or not, to say about him.

And then there’s Andy. Dear delusional Andy. He thanks his god for blessing Trump with extended life and says he would say that even if it was Biden or any other politician because violence has no place in his life. For the most part, I agree that violence isn’t a solution. But sometimes extreme situations warrant it. Also, it’s funny how he praises God for saving Trump’s life but doesn’t condemn that same god for the fact that the guy behind him died. God is exactly what many people want him to be. It doesn’t scare me per se, but it disturbs me that people like Andy can put such stock in something that’s never been proven and likely never will be. It’s okay to have hopes and lean toward a particular belief, but it’s important to remain realistic and accept the fact that none of us can ever know anything for sure. Sort of like those who are really into role-playing. It’s fine to fantasize as long as you know it’s just a fantasy.


Tom came hobbling into the room yesterday and said, “Well, I thought you were gonna be wrong this time, but I tweaked my back, so your dream was a premonition.”

Yeah, it’s shitty to be psychic in this way.

My ear and jaw have been driving me crazy. We’re thinking that due to the high pollen count and my slacking off my nasal spray for a while, I’ve got allergies built up, and it puts pressure on the damaged nerves around my ear and flares up my TMJ.


My suspicions were correct. The redneck did call the county. The latest post says they argued with the nut job about her “garden” and are waiting for a callback about their complaint.

Also, it looks like Mr. No Poop across from Toni is having gravel put down on the front corner of his place, so now that’s one more thing I have to stress over: being woken up by the truck that comes to bring it, and then pick up the metal bin it’s in.


Finished the challenge a couple of days ago, and now I’m doing random rides until the mood strikes to do the next long ride I created.

As I feared, cross-stitching is going to be very hard for me because of my shitty vision. Also, the back of the canvas isn’t marked, so when I’m pushing the needle through from behind, it’s hard to see where I’m going. I really wish the mystery girl could magically appear to help me. I asked her a question on an old account of hers, but I don’t know if she ever logs into it. Oh well. It won’t be much money lost if I don’t end up doing it.

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