Sunday, July 21, 2024

Good stuff going on. :-)

First, I'm definitely not as cold as I have been since I started taking the vitamins daily. However, I don't want to push it, so I'm going to try taking them for two days, then taking a day off, and repeating that pattern and I hope for the best. This might be my best bet most of the time, but I still plan to step it up to every day about a week before the lab.

If Kathy ever reads this, I'm sure she won't mind because I once asked her many years ago if she minded being mentioned in my journal. She said no because there were tons of Kathys out there. Besides, I don't have anything negative to say.

So… I don't know why, but she, a beautiful Mexican woman, was suggested to me on Facebook. Maybe because I looked her up a while back. Sometimes someone will pop into my mind, or I'll read back in old journals, see a name, and then get curious as to what they might be up to these days.

Anyway, I sent Kathy a few audios saying hello and letting her know that Aly died. She sent me a friend request and a few messages in response. Aly and Kim were mutual friends, and she even knew Molly. She actually met Molly because they're both from Texas. It turns out she stupidly gave Molly one last chance, wanting to give her the benefit of the doubt, so that's how she knew she had passed. She said Molly did the same things to her that she did to Aly and partly to me as well by demanding constant attention and pitching a fit if she didn't return messages within minutes, even after giving birth to her son. She also expected her to solve her problems, mainly with others at the group home she's still in. I guess she was whining about some guy stalking her, who was also a resident there, and Kathy kept telling her to take it up with those in charge.

I told Kathy that Kim was completely out of her mind and not allowed online. She said they exchanged postal letters years ago, and her handwriting was hard to read. It was written like a first grader, and she also sealed the envelope with tons of packing tape. I can totally picture this, and that's exactly what Aly described too, LOL.

I said I would give her Kim's email and that she could let her know she got it from me if she wanted, but she didn't ask for it, so I didn't offer. I also didn't offer my blog link, but I'll give it to her if she asks. I still prefer to keep things separate these days. To a degree, anyway.

So, she's 42 now, and she and her husband, daughter, and son have been living in Oklahoma since 2018 to be closer to her husband's family.

She developed diabetes and lost a lot of weight, but as I told her, I'm unable to lose weight, so I have to improvise and work around that by cutting sugar and carbs. I've been doing really well with that, too! I haven't lost weight, of course, but hopefully, I won't be borderline next time I go to the lab, but back to 5.something instead.

I didn't get fat until my 40s, but it's funny how before my 20s and during my 20s, I wanted to lose weight for the sake of appearance. In my 30s and 40s, I just didn't give a shit. Now, in my 50s, I'm back to wishing I could lose weight for my blood sugar, cholesterol, and BP. But sometimes we just have to accept that there are some things in life we can't change due to circumstances out of our control. I think—and I certainly hope—that cutting carbs and sugar down will be enough to help.

I love that Kathy is a good writer and seems pretty smart. It's nice to be able to understand what I'm reading, but of course, she won't do audios because you know how it is. Everyone's afraid to leave their voice online. I sometimes talk-type, and other times I do audios.

I'm glad we reconnected. I really am. We acknowledge that we had our squabbles when we were in touch regularly between 2010 and 2012, but it's ancient history. I know I usually have a very hard rule against being forgiving, but it was such petty shit that it's so done and over with. No, I don't think history will repeat itself because Kathy doesn't have time to be a troll, working at Walmart and raising a 5 and 10-year-old. Websites aren't set up the way they used to be. It's so easy to block trolls now, which is why I'm much more open to online friendships. If things go wrong when it's a neighbor or someone you have to work with, it can be a lot more awkward. But online, if someone pisses me off, I just cut them off. Even if they were to keep creating new accounts, there are still ways to block communication. I would never make all my blogs private on account of any troll like I used to, but I would close communication. I've already had to do it on a couple of sites due to spammers. No biggie.

Kathy gave me some good recipe ideas. I don't know why I didn't think of this, but mixing a little cream of mushroom with heavy cream and smothering hamburger patties in it would be a great idea. I still have meatballs but no cream of mushroom until tomorrow. I have heavy cream because I put it in my coffee. I do have some pizza sauce I could dress them up with, especially since these meatballs have a bit of a weird taste.

I stopped being able to remember my dreams, which kind of sucks. I slept better last time around, though. I woke up right before loud thunderclaps. My luck may run out tomorrow, though.

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