Thursday, September 12, 2024

Fucking storms—again! As soon as my schedule flips, the storms that had been tapering off come right back. I got shorted an hour or two of sleep and now I have to cancel my Monday appointment with the glaucoma doctor because it's going to storm until then. This is going to screw with my schedule and energy levels, breaking up my sleep. The last thing I need is an eye exam while I'm exhausted. Besides, I know he's just in it for the money. I’m not getting glaucoma.

These storms usually stick around until early October, so there's a good chance I'll have one more round on nights and of being woken up. The appointment was supposed to be at 11:15, but because he's a specialist, he could be an hour or two late. That would turn my day into a grueling 18-hour marathon. So, Tom is going to reschedule for me in the morning and just tell them I’m sick.

I’m also pissed off about losing my alone time, the time I usually have to do things I focus best on when I’m alone. Tom’s schedule is a little screwed up too, but not because of storms—he’s like most people, up when it storms. He fell asleep early last night, though, so he got up a few hours earlier than I expected. Plus, his schedule always gets messed up for a day or two after he donates, like he did this morning. So here he is, still up, when he’d normally be heading to bed about now.

I noticed the post editor on PB has finally been fixed, but knowing they’ll just mess something else up makes me hesitant to use the site anymore. If they’d quit screwing around with things, maybe there wouldn’t be so many problems! I might keep posting journals or backup stories, or maybe I’ll just stop altogether. I don’t know yet. The books are what I was always drawn to. I could use Blogger and make multiple blogs, but it’s such a pain in the ass and the layout is different. Still, all the spammers, pages timing out, pages taking forever to load, and other BS on PB aren’t worth it—not even for the pretty new backgrounds they added.

And fuck Jordan Chiles. What a pathetic excuse of an Olympian and a spoiled, delusional brat. Like Tom said, some people just love being in the news. She’s whining that she didn’t get her medal because of her skin color. Um… hello? Did she forget that her best buddy Simone has more medals than anyone else and it’s because she’s black. This kind of crap makes people hate whites even more. I’m so sick of people using race as a crutch and blaming whites for the world’s problems! She’s making decent, hard-working Black people look bad—and white people too.

Each year, I swear I hate people more and more. I’ve met some great people online—people I’ve been in touch with for years, and I love them. But I’ve also met some serious assholes, and they’re a stark reminder of why I’m such a loner, unapologetically so.

As a kid, adults tried to force me to be more social. As an adult, people tried to coax me into being social until I cut these control freaks off completely. You can’t force people to be someone they’re not.

Going through my bio reminded me how much people suck. I can’t even interact with a group online without someone starting an argument with me and then claiming they’re not “arguing,” but just telling it like it is like what happened in the rat group. When you tell someone they’re wrong for how they live and how they care for their pets (after 25 years of pet rat experience), that’s arguing! It’s like punching someone and saying it’s not violence. Are people hypocrites or just that stupid? I join what should be a fun, interesting group just to get attacked because my rat doesn’t have a roommate. She’s a very happy, healthy rat. Why? Because we’re home all the time and lavish her with tons of attention.

How is it that the most mundane, innocent statements cause so much grief for me? Whether it’s in person or online, no matter what I say, someone always wants to pick a fight. Always. I could say a certain place makes great pizza, and someone would argue with me, acting like I’m dead wrong for having an opinion, because they know better. People will never change. The only good the assholes do is make me appreciate the good people even more.

And no, I’m definitely not wasting my time messaging Andy to explain why I want nothing to do with him. People don’t change.

Read a letter by Linda about Trump planning to rally in a building that's in her name in her hometown of Tucson. It was all about why she's anti-Trump and listed the people and groups he hates. Like most people, though, who feel as she does, she left the gay community off of his hate list. You know how it is. Everyone's got a bleeding heart for blacks, Mexicans and Muslims when they get shit on but nobody gives a shit when you're Jewish or gay. Hard to believe she's anti-gay, though, living in San Francisco as she does. Still, I would be pissed off too, if he was taking his delusional shit into a building that was named after me. In fact, I don't want to hear his shit in a 50-year-old outhouse in the middle of nowhere. Ugh…People supposedly eating animals, abortions happening after babies are born... This is the crazy shit people love so much and want to vote for.

I couldn't help but ask myself earlier... if I had been able to work all these years, How many people might I have gotten into a physical fight with? How many would have thought they could put their hands on me because I'm short? How many would I have snapped and gone after first after being pushed and provoked for who knows how long?

The picture I saw of Linda which I assume is recent, was actually one of the best I've seen in years. Her hair was all grayish-white, but she lost a lot of weight. Her eyes still look nice and big and round too. I swear mine are puffy but that's a perk of thyroid disease.

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