Saturday, September 21, 2024

It’s a good thing I didn’t have breathing issues in my sleep because I completely forgot to put in the nasal dilator last night.

Today, I’m definitely feeling more energized, and I’m hoping to keep this trend going for a few days—at least until storms, power outages, or who knows what else starts waking me up again.

Did I jinx myself by mentioning how much quieter the motorcycle has been like I did in my last post? Of course! Just a few hours after I posted that, I heard the damn thing pull in. And as I was getting up, I caught him playing the “rev it” game. I’m still not sure if he lives here full-time, but I have a feeling that when they finally decide to move in together, he’ll have to move into her place rather than the other way around.

I was reading the latest comments on his latest Crazy Karen video—she’s what I’m now calling the garden nut. The redneck mentioned that if he went to the higher-ups about her, he’d probably get evicted and couldn’t even sell his place because of her. Oh, how I wish he’d sell out! Then he could take that annoying mutt with him which is going to be a regular nuisance once the weather cools down. Funny that when I looked at the park’s Google reviews, he had written that the neighbors were “great.” Seems like he jinxed himself a bit, too!

Someone even offered to help clean up her yard, but the redneck told them that she actually thinks it looks nice!

We managed to clean out about 90% of my bad ear, and my blood sugar is looking pretty good so far—it was 104 about half an hour after eating. I’ll test it again tomorrow when I wake up. I’d love for it to be in the 80s, but I doubt I’ll get that lucky.

A few days after we bombed the ants, they backed off for the most part, though we spotted one yesterday. We think they might be carpenter ants because, during transit, the counter pulled away from the kitchen wall, leaving about a one-inch gap. Tomorrow, we’re expecting to receive a special powder that’s safe for pets and humans but deadly to insects.


  1. Hi I'm the garden nut. Would you like to water me?

    1. I shouldn't have ordered fried clams because it's not exactly healthy, but I'm looking SOOO forward to them.

  2. Hey guess who? It looks like John has been peeking in on me. I got a visitor from his area like every hour or two all day.

    1. At that rate, it could be a bot. In my case, New York and Michigan are in fierce competition with each other as to who can hit me the most. LOL.
