Saturday, February 11, 2012

I got snacks that were supposed to be for one day and one day only, but then reality hit me. Like I’m supposed to cram a pint of ice cream and a bag of Chex Mix into my little tummy all in one day? Yeah, right! So I will probably end up putting back on the weight I spent the week working off, as usual. :(

I have always felt - believed actually - that anyone who ever has ever wronged me has gotten away with it and that karma has basically “forgotten” or “skipped” them. Dump me and no one will dump you. Lead me on and no one will play with your head or give you the wrong idea. Get me jailed for something I didn’t do and no one will throw your ass in jail. Steal from me and no one will steal from you. Kill me and you’ll never be caught. This belief is based on what I’ve personally experienced so far in life and it really bothers me. It’s scary to think something up there could feel it’s “okay” to burn me and that my perps will remain protected from any kind of punishment. What goes around may come around for me and probably for most others, but it just doesn’t seem to come around to those who have sent it to me. This has nothing to do with anything that’s going on right now. It’s just a disturbing pattern I’ve noticed.

Got to wake up at 6:30 to barking, so apparently the weekend outings aren’t history after all. I checked an hour later. Still barking. And another hour later. Still barking. So, knowing it’s going to go on till 2am or 3am I’ve got the sound machines cranked up. Again, it’s a real shame we come out to these woods just to still be annoyed by people over 100 feet away, landlord or not. It’s actually more of a shame that it’s our landlord doing this to us. If he could be considerate and understanding when our rent would be late when we were out of work, why can’t he give us the same consideration and understanding with all the racket he and his fucking dogs make?

He once told us to just yell at them and they’ll shut up. Yeah, they do. But what he doesn’t get is that A, it shouldn’t be our responsibility to shut his own dogs up, and B, they’re right back at it 10 minutes later. So fuck this cock! Really, just fuck him. I hope he keeps losing tenant after tenant after we’re gone. The only reason we’ve been here so long is that the economy trapped us here. Yet I doubt the next tenants will mind since barking dogs is a way of life in the west and they’ll probably have their own dogs doing the same thing. Most of the natives don’t mind; it’s those of us from the east who were raised with dogs being household pets and not outdoor nuisances that find it annoying. My family and such friends like Andy, Paula and Kim would agree with me and find it loud, rude and totally obnoxious. But most of the people I’ve met in the West, including Tom, who have lived in the Western states all their lives would be able to tune it out and consider it a way of life same as with chirping birds. I’m sorry I was born on the wrong side of the country!

Meanwhile, maybe someday we’ll get to live in a place that doesn’t allow for this shit. It sure would be nice after, what… isn’t it coming up on something like 20 years now? Ever since I left New England. I can only think of two places where barking was an issue there.

Since I can’t watch a movie in peace tonight I’ll probably spend most of the night writing.

LOL, I noticed Amber checked my KB profile; the one I used to get into it with on the old KB and on another site. Just about everyone hated Amber. She was one seriously rude fuck. But… she was also smart in some ways and a pretty good writer. She found something within just about everyone to pick on them for. With me, it was my age. This was back when we were 21 and 42. I couldn’t resist dropping by her page and saying: Wow, you’re 25 now! Getting old, arncha?

She then blocked me, which is fine. I had no intention of saying anything else anyway. The last thing I need or want to do is to cause trouble online. I just couldn’t resist that one quick jab after all these years, though I doubt it was all that traumatizing for her to have me jump out at her after just a few years. Now Debby Gilman after 20 years, if she’s still alive, would be a whole different story, LMAO!!! “Every time that you walk in the room, Debby!”

I wonder what kind of competition Tom will be up against if he applies for any permanent positions where he works. Youth and non-whiteness usually prevail. If the person is more qualified than Tom then they should get the job no matter what color they are. It’d only be fair. But life isn’t fair and if they’re black they’re gonna get first dibs on the job, period. So what if my husband may have 20 more years of experience? Foreigners are another thing to have to watch out for.

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