Wednesday, February 1, 2012

We got a little rain that hopefully won’t clear up too much by the afternoon. That’s when Jesse prefers to gun his Harley, turn it off, gun it again a few minutes later, roar off on it, then return just a few minutes later and make me wonder once again if someone else who also has a motorcycle and a loud vehicle lives there now.

I’m hearing these mysterious thumps like slamming car doors. Jesse would be like most people too, and slam the shit out of doors. He did when I was up at his place and he was coming and going from here when he was working on the heater/pipes.

I’m going from thinking Maliheh’s “Naning” me to wondering if something could seriously be wrong. As in her being homeless. I sent another “test” card to her yesterday and it too, wasn’t picked up. I can’t believe the notifier would fail to alert me that many times if they had been picked up. Her student count was really dropping and I know she was in some sort of dispute with her landlord about her lease, so I’m worried she could be on the streets. She’s not just a loner, but everyone hates her cuz she’s such a bitch and so she wouldn’t have anyone to help her.

I cleaned the living room and bedroom today so I have nothing left to do for the rest of the week but the bathroom and laundry. Of course, I’m always busier on weekends.

I noticed that Nane switched her posts to friends of friends, then public, then back to friends of friends since she dumped me. It’s like she’s keeping in touch without keeping in touch. Well, it’s hard to believe it’s got nothing to do with me, anyway.

So I decided why not return the favor? I changed my posts to friends of friends as well, careful to customize our “iChats” and filter most people out of visibility range. I didn’t realize at first that friends could also see what their friends can see. Furthermore, I made a point of casually mentioning this on Irene and Christiane’s walls, hoping she’ll see at least one of them.

I went into hiding again after being dumb enough to idle on FB while doing other things. That’s when the drama queen jumped out and me. So did Jessie, though it was nice touching base with her since it’d been a while. It’s just that I’m sick of how either no one wants to chat or they all want to chat at once. I’ve never been a fan of live chats anyway as opposed to email and messages.

I’ve received many compliments in life, but few have brought tears to my eyes like my good friend Monica did last night when she told me I was the reason she was saving for a Kindle reader. What a compliment that was! This was after I offered to email her some older stories that I have no plans to publish until she gets a Kindle which she had mentioned wanting to get. She had to buy the PDF format of my first book, but I’m not going to be publishing through Smashwords anymore because the lack of sales there makes the effort simply not worth it. Amazon is much more popular.

Tom and Andy said the same thing she told me about not giving up, and Andy pointed out that Fleetwood Mac didn’t make it big till their 10th album. The only problem is that I want the fortune, not the fame. But the two tend to go hand in hand, I’m afraid, though I don’t even need a fortune. Just enough to live on would be nice:) Probably just a dream, but nice.

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