Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Stuck to my diet to a T yesterday and already lost 2 of the 3 pounds I put on over the weekend. Next weekend I’m determined to only allow myself to take Saturday off, not the entire weekend which technically starts on Friday night, LOL. I’m only going to run 20 minutes today. I don’t want to do anything to escalate the hunger.

I gave Andy the link to the account which I hope the troll will never find and he said he didn’t want to go to any fake account. The account isn’t fake. I just don’t use real names there. Then he pointed out that I’m going through a lot of trouble to avoid one asshole. Actually, it’s more than just one. One far more sinister and potentially dangerous than Molly, but I’m not at liberty to discuss it right now. First of all, nothing online is ever really “private” and I don’t have all the facts yet anyway. It may be months before I can say anything but my reasons for going off the grid will make more sense then.

Molly is still part of it, though, and believe me when I say I’m enjoying the freedom of being able to be open to anonymous comments without her unwanted comments being thrown in. Without having to deal with her creating one new account after another to pester me. Besides, there were also my friends to consider as she would latch onto them as well. She came at me through Alison.

Some have asked why it bothers me that she can read my journal if I’ve got her blocked from at least making comments. Well, it’s one of those things I don’t expect many folks to understand that haven’t been stalked themselves by this particular kind of nut. It’s that feeling of being “invaded” by someone you don’t like and that knows you don’t like them and that you don’t want them around. It’s sort of like your house. It sits there on the street for anyone to see, but would you want a peeping tom gazing in at you? Maybe if she weren’t so damn crazy and there weren’t my friends to consider it wouldn’t matter as much. But I would prefer her not to know about my secret but public account.

Heard back from Becky. She said Marie’s having a rough time now, is in counseling, and they have a quick chat about once a week. This is a real bummer to hear, too. Marie is still in counseling?! But she was in counseling two years ago and it seems she has been for most of her life. Okay, I know child abuse can have devastating effects on a person, but how many more years of counseling can she possibly need before she’s able to cope on her own and free of “happy” pills??? I really hoped that her new wife would be the key to her finally achieving happiness, but maybe she’s just not meant to be happy any more than we’re meant to have money and Andy’s meant to have love and Alison’s meant to have good health. Marie is also a paranoid nutjob, so I suppose that may have something to do with all the years of counseling. There’s a big difference if say a sane and stable woman is suddenly raped as opposed to a nutjob like Molly.


Wow! Amazingly Prop 8 was ruled unconstitutional here in California, but I don’t know what this means. Is it just all talk or do gays now have the right to marry once again? If they don’t then it’s not much of a victory. Saying something’s wrong and unfair is one thing. Doing something about it is another.

I read that Obama was against gay marriage but his views are “changing.” Well, I should certainly hope so! He’s black, ain’t he? So isn’t he supposed to know what it’s like to be discriminated against? Really, it disgusts me when anyone black does the same exact thing they accuse others of doing when they should know better! Then again, they don’t get a fraction of the discrimination they used to get, and while being a slave is plenty bad enough, they were never starved and thrown in ovens like the Jews were. Yes, there really are some others who have had it much worse and it pisses the shit out of me when I hear a few people insist that racism is “alive and well” even today. As sad as it is there will always be haters of all groups. Some people will always hate whites, Jews, blacks, Hispanics, gays, Muslims, Indians, etc., but blacks receive more rights and favoritism than any other group ever has to date. They are constantly given leniency when facing sentencing for the same crimes whites are going down harder for. They are constantly being favored in the workplace due to a combination of employers fearing being called racists and because of how rough their ancestors had it a century ago. They cannot be charged with a hate crime. They are allowed black TV stations, black pageants, black this, black that. Lastly, it’s automatically your word against theirs should you piss them off and they decide to insist you called them racial slurs when in fact you did not.

So where is racism “alive and well?”

Some say the reason blacks make up the majority of the prison population is that the courts are harder on them. Others say it’s because they’re more prone to crime. I totally agree with the latter. Oh, they used to get harsher sentences, all right, don’t get me wrong. But our often black-and-white society (pardon the pun) has swung the pendulum from one extreme to the other, as usual, skipping those gray areas. Where blacks were once treated so horribly unfairly in court, now they’re getting one break after another, some states being worse than others. Same with child molestation cases. Where nothing was believed 30 years ago, now just about anything is believed. If a kid tells the cops that an alien molested them, that cop will be quick to spearhead a grand manhunt for that so-called alien.

What I don’t understand is why people won’t open their eyes. Instead, they are quick to defend blacks, make excuses for them, and not see the big picture for what it truly is. Such as the real reason they make up for most of the prison population today in 2012. Not 1950, but 2012. Every group of people was picked on at some point, so then why don’t the Jews make up for most of the prison population? Why not the gays? Why not Hispanics? Well, the real reason why has nothing to do with discrimination but because some groups, like it or not, really are more likely to violate the laws just like pit bulls and rotties are more likely to attack as opposed to poodles and collies. Sorry folks, but that’s just the cold hard facts. Racism, slavery… it’s mostly history, folks. That’s why it’s called H-I-S-T-O-R-Y. It’s also the point in Black History Month; to show how far they’ve come in gaining acceptance - and for those of us who see the big picture - favoritism as well.

I’ll be the first to admit it’s totally wrong to shit on someone for their skin color, their height, their weight, their sexual preference or anything like that. It’s totally mean to call someone names and racial slurs. But did people ever stop to think that sometimes it’s not about one’s appearance but about their behavior? Did they ever think that sometimes we make people not like us just by the things we do? People are quick to say they want acceptance, but playing the race card by lying about what others say/do to you and committing crimes against them isn’t the way to do it. Yet despite the many blacks who choose to cry racism where it simply doesn’t exist, who choose to rob and kill us, who are continually given jobs based on their color that those more qualified should’ve gotten, acceptance is exactly what they’re getting these days. The same acceptance, tolerance and treatment gays can only wish they’d get. Funny, though, that gays don’t make up for the majority of the prison population, ain’t it?

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