Friday, February 10, 2012

So far today I’ve had one landlord, one rat, one email account, and a few people determined to piss the shit out of me.

The landlord has shut up and I’ve got the people/email thing straightened out, but this rat of mine just won’t leave me alone, LOL. He’s annoying at times, but cute too, in a funny kind of way. I always knew rats are more attention-needy than other rodents, but this guy just doesn’t want to stay home tonight even though I changed his cage and gave him treats. I can’t let him out in the living room because Tom’s asleep on the futon and not at all in need of having his toenails or earlobes trimmed or his hair pulled on. I can’t let him loose in the bedroom because he’s “jealous” of my stereo and will chew the wires. He leaves the computers alone, but for some reason, he’s bound and determined to destroy that stereo every chance he gets. He loves to play in the closet and burrow under sheets, but this rat is a little too destructive to be allowed to indulge in those privileges too often. I make sure to at least scratch his head when I walk by his cage in which the bars are about an inch apart. The cage was originally designed for ferrets but works just as well for rats that get to be almost guinea pig size as Fancy rats do.

We’ve got to move this summer. We’ve got to. Really, I just don’t know how much more I can take before I go up there and destroy every single one of those vehicles Jesse’s got up there. I fear something will come up to trap us here, though. Although I slept till 4pm it’s like he was bound and determined to make up for lost time since he usually starts up around 7am - 9am and then shuts up around 4pm - 5pm. I was waking up with my coffee when he roared in on the Harley. He didn’t even turn it off right away once he got up to his place. For some reason, he left it idling for a few minutes. But the instant he hopped off of that he traded in one vehicle for another and went zipping around on the ATV. It could be his kid, but I would think he’s a little too old now to find that sort of thing much of a thrill.

I’m more convinced he has someone staying with him. The dogs wouldn’t have been quiet while he was out on the motorcycle, since he certainly couldn’t have taken them with him on the damn thing, and the Friday and Saturday night barking fits have stopped. I always pictured him to be out playing pool or watching sports at some bar and I don’t see why he would suddenly stop going out on weekends. Neither would the dogs suddenly stop barking when left alone at night, something that has always terrified them for some reason.

The point is that I’m just so damn sick of hearing from him every single fucking day of my life! Every day I have to hear this cock who’s nearly 200’ away. :( It isn’t just that I have to hear him every day, but several times a day. And these aren’t subtle little sounds that are just enough to let me know he’s there. The ATV isn’t that loud, but the motorcycle, bulldozer and truck are insanely loud. I swear he woke me up gunning something right as I was nodding off at around 9:30 this morning and this is with the sound machine blaring as insanely loud as he is.

Part of the problem is being in a trailer and being elevated. Trailer walls are not only paper-thin, but sound reverberates underneath elevated houses more easily. I miss being on a concrete slab foundation! I always liked the feel of it, too. I’m such a light sleeper Tom has to be extra careful not to walk too hard when I’m asleep so as not to shake the place. The washing machine is nearly 40’ away yet I can feel the room vibrating when it’s spinning. There’s also no attic here so that helps bring on the outside sounds as well.

Even if he were dead quiet, I’m just so sick of being stuffed into tiny little old dives that often smell moldy and musty no matter how much incense I burn.

So anyway, I switched from using my Yahoo email address, though I do still have it, to using my but it goes through a Mac program that lets me view it offline. We set this up on both our computers cuz is one of the hardest email providers to log into. It’s just a major pain in the ass with all their forced ads and forced videos and it really slows things down for those of us with DSL lines. What pissed me off is that it marked some of Andy’s messages as spam even though he’s in my contacts. They have this little list of reasons why this can happen and it’s usually based on how something is worded in an email. I’m so damn sick of this country’s lack of speech rights! Wish we were like Norway. They have real freedom of speech laws and real rights protecting their speech. Here we sometimes claim we do but it’s just a joke. Our speech rights are constantly being violated and censored and I’m just sick of various programs, groups, laws and whatever deciding for me not only what I can say/write, but what I can read as well. I’m sorry this country’s so damn word-sensitive, but I’m not! Why should I have to be put out if you’re the one who can’t handle it and may find your feelings hurt? What’s weird was that there wasn’t even anything questionable in one of his messages in particular. The one with the porn picture was probably flagged for the word “stripper” but I think I can handle the word stripper,, so please, please let ME be the one to decide what I read!

Tom said that if I go into the security settings I can at least decide who’s on my whitelist vs. my blacklist. But shouldn’t he have already been on my whitelist since he’s a contact? Makes me wonder what other messages decided I just might have my heart broken if I dared read them.

Andy told me he sent a picture he was “so excited to share from my stripping days” with me. Sure enough, though, it’s just another porn picture. You know, the ones I’ve been telling him NOT to send 5 or 6 times already. He claims he only sent it because the girl’s face looked like mine used to, but I don’t think that’s why he sent it. I think that was just an excuse to send it. I not only don’t see that much of a resemblance but I really think he’s got a problem and it’s got me a little worried. It’s like he’s got this porn addiction and he can’t stop not only viewing it himself but trying to force it on me. But as I told him over and over again, there’s nothing wrong with it, whatever turns him on is fine, but I’m not into that stuff. I don’t find it exciting, I don’t find it amusing, and it’s not like I was ever attracted to women for their pussies only. Actually, I think dicks and pussies are quite ugly looking. I like women as a whole, not just for specific body parts. But why is such a simple request too damn hard for him??? Maliheh once asked that I not share any X-rated dreams with her because she’s simply not into that sort of thing. If I could honor such a simple little request, why can’t he? Especially as my friend? It’s not like it’s a request that prevents him from being himself in any way. He can look at porn all he wants. Just not with me. As I told him, this is the kind of shit peds do. Does he want to go around giving people the wrong idea about him? I asked Tom if he thinks he’s got a problem and he said he thinks he’s just set in his ways and that some people simply never change. Yeah, Andy is definitely a lot like his old self. He’s just not broke and smoking pot and cigarettes.

Something must be up with the troll. There’s been no blog activity or views from her in days. If her mother swiped her laptop she’d only go to the library and go online from there. My guess is she’s been funny-farmed again. Now maybe they’ll realize just what a lost cause this nutjob truly is.

What took me a weekend to gain has now been lost in a week. Yeah, I finally lost that third pound. I knew I would as I was going to bed. There are hunger pangs, and then there are hunger pangs that border on hunger “pains.” I suppose everybody’s different, but with me, I can tell when my body’s about to drop a pound because I feel this intense hunger at the very end of my day before waking up the next day to find I’m down a pound. Extreme hunger isn’t just the body saying, Hey, I’m hungry. Feed me! It’s also the actual process of fat being attacked and destroyed much like a dying tooth is really painful. So I knew it went into “attack mode” and was killing off another pound. :) I’m just surprised I’m not hungry today. I usually am the day after making another drop. I just hope I can control myself better this weekend! I’ll be anything but in control tomorrow, though. Coffee ice cream, shrimp chips, very cheesy mac… Then it’ll be time to train and coax my body into making another pound kill. :)

I don’t think I can lose much more than 15-20 pounds, though, with all this muscle. I reached down to scratch an itch on my calves and damn are my legs solid! It’s no wonder I’m so damn heavy. My waist is kind of smallish and I totally have an hourglass shape just like I did in my 20s, but I’m a whopping 139 pounds. I don’t want to be just thin. I want to be fit and even scary-looking. :) Sorry, but I like it when some chick’s jaw drops at the site of my “cut” abs when my tummy is exposed in public. I like it when a guy catches a nice long glimpse of my shoulders and biceps and decides I’d be the wrong one to piss off.

I saw a chick around my height the other day. Had to be around 115. Even though there was hardly much of a difference inch-wise I felt like a giant compared to her, LOL. Like I wouldn’t want to sit on her for I knew I was much heavier.

Andy said some pig told him he’d fine him $100 if he caught him canning again. He goes out and collects cans for deposit money. Just why the hell is something like this illegal, though? He said he’s going to keep doing it, just not in that neighborhood. Good for him. :)

I had to laugh when I read someone say they hoped to marry someday so they’d have less responsibility in life. LOL, there’s way more to do when you’re either married or at least living with someone, even for the growing number of couples opting out of having kids like we did. If you work at home or you do have kids to look out for or you have a sleep disorder like mine or some other disability preventing you from working, your other half must work twice as hard because they need to work for two. Dusting and vacuuming are usually the same no matter what, but it takes me twice as long to do the dishes because two people eat off them. It takes me twice as long to do laundry because I am washing two people’s clothes. It takes me twice as long to clean the bathroom because two people use it, one of which can’t aim worth a shit.

The only thing that’s usually easier is if one of you gets sick the other can usually go get you meds or food or whatever you need. But living with someone, married or not, is not easier. It’s just more fun if you truly love the person. I think marriage and cohabitation, however, should come down to love and not because you think it’ll make things more convenient, and it’s not for the most part. If anything you’ll be inconvenienced. But if you’re not willing to be inconvenienced, then you never truly loved the person to begin with.

Checked out since it’d been a while. They now let you customize blog backgrounds so I played around on there for kicks.

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