Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I’m waiting for myself to get hungry enough to eat my main meal before I work out, so I thought now would be a good time for an update. Only there’s not much to update on since my last post 15 hours ago.

Been lacking the motivation to work on my story and so I just might drop it and take a break for a while.

It’s going to be in the 70s today which is nice, but it’s also going to be noisy as hell. That’s the one thing dampening me from looking forward to the warm afternoon. The fucking mutts were already going off at 5am when I got up. I was really hoping for a few more hours of peace before the barking and the loud vehicles began. God, I hope to hell those who say that incessant barking isn’t allowed in adult communities are right and that they don’t do anything else in those communities (like have lots of company, mostly consisting of wild kids) to make up for it. Better yet, I hope we’ll get the chance to find all this out. Work has been consistent enough and it doesn’t look like he’ll be laid off anytime soon, but sometimes you just can’t see these things coming.

I’m a little concerned about Tom, though, because he’s been complaining about neck pain and being rundown. He says it’s a strange sort of ache that’s up high, sort of where his head meets his neck.

Andy said he wondered if Tom had any secret issues with sex that he didn’t want to talk about, but I’m 99.9% sure he doesn’t. He’s never said or hinted at being molested as a kid or anything traumatic like that. He’s never said or hinted at having any desires for the same sex either. I wondered about him too at first, and thought I was the weirdest, most abnormal thing I’d ever heard of and I reacted much the way many react to my sleep disorder because it was something I’d never heard of and didn’t “get.” While I can’t imagine preferring not to cum in the end, I researched the subject years ago and found that this is just the way some people are. It’s not as common as preemie squirters or those that can’t get hard, but it’s more common than most people would think.

As I told Andy, it’s sort of like bungee jumping. Most of us couldn’t imagine doing that, but a few can. But I too, questioned his not cumming at first and all kinds of possible scenarios went through my mind – I wasn’t good enough, I wasn’t attractive enough, he was afraid of impregnating me… But most of those few times he did cum was at the time of the month it was most likely for a woman to conceive, once which resulted in an early-on miscarriage. Besides, although your chances are lower, one can still conceive from pre-cum and if he was really anti-kid he could’ve simply told me and either I could’ve gone on BC or he could’ve gotten fixed.

Finally, I realized and accepted the fact that he was happy and content, so who was I to knock him and question him? As long as he didn’t show any signs of being uncomfortable and unfulfilled in any way, I wasn’t about to try to change him. I wouldn’t want anyone doing it to me. So if there’s that fraction of a percent chance that something was going on all these years that he didn’t tell me, that’s his fault and that’s his problem for not trusting me enough with whatever it was. I’m pretty confident, though, that there were no “secrets” or “unresolved deep-seated issues.”

With me personally, however, if you don’t get me off it’s because you didn’t excite me enough to begin with unless some crisis like how we were going to pay the rent was playing on my mind to distract me. But that is just me and there was no doubt that Tom had no problem whatsoever getting excited. I may prefer women but I know a rock-hard dick when I see and feel one.

The troll, who already deactivated her latest Facebook account, left some posts on Thoughts last night. It’s flying up to Des Moines today and it confirms that Loverboy doesn’t have internet access, so it’ll have to use McDonald’s Wi-Fi. So, in other words, she’ll live at McDonald’s until she ends up back home in 2-3 weeks when she sees how much he’s “changed.” For now, she’s back to referring to him as her fiancée, LOL. So naïve. Just so, so damn naïve. But it’s her life to trash.

Mommy Dearest was concerned about her not taking her BC, but I wonder if that may also be part of why she’s running to this guy. She’s made it clear many times just how much she loves her nieces and babysitting them and all that. Maybe she feels it’s time to take the attention from big sis and pop one of her own to gloat over and draw more attention to herself with, IDK.

So much for not having much to update on.

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