Monday, February 6, 2012

It seems I had several dreams about Nane last night. One was a bit disturbing. I was walking alongside her somewhere (at least I think it was her) when I said, “Don’t ask me to explain, but if you don’t hear from me after this date I didn’t dump you, I’m in prison.”

Once again I jumped back into Word since OpenOffice’s quirks and problems were pissing me off. Sometimes I wish computers had never been invented and life was as simple as it was 20 years ago. Then again, I’ve had so much fun with them, won so much money, “met” so many neat people, reunited with people from the past, learned new languages, etc., that it’s become such a way of life. Can’t imagine life without computers and sometimes I wonder how the hell we ever got by before they became a regular thing.

Did a light workout, but nothing that could make me hungrier and encourage me to slack off on fixing the damage I did over the last few days by pigging out.

Although I didn’t get up till nearly noon, it’s been amazingly quiet so far save for a few barks. I expected the sawing to start up at 1:00 sharp, but haven’t heard any buzzing yet. It’s a bit cloudy today so I don’t know if that’s got anything to do with it or if someone complained or what. We’ve got a few more hours of daylight, though, so anything could happen between now and then.


It’s only a feeling. It cannot hurt me. It’s annoying and it’s distracting but hunger cannot hurt me. This I keep chanting to myself over and over like a broken record whenever the hunger bites bad enough to make me contemplate pigging out. I may be fit and I may not be that fat, but I still gotta work at it to stay this way. I’m naturally muscular to a degree, but overall I’m just not naturally slim and fit.

I almost dumped Bunny Nose. The lack of sales lately not only doesn’t help motivate me but I’m sick of “translating” for my non-English speaking characters, LOL. So I decided to go back and make “Ingrid” bilingual. This will make the story flow a lot easier for me, and well, I do like to write no matter who is or isn’t paying me to do it. I’m still creeping along with it but I expect to move at a faster pace now that I’ve got plots and characters fleshed out a bit better.

Last night I thought of Marie and I got to missing her. She’s one I could never hate or stay mad at despite how crazy she drove me. Pest or not she really loved and accepted me as I was. She never questioned or challenged a damn thing about me. She even “loved my fire.” The fire that most are put off by. If she’s still with her wife then she should keep her from driving me too crazy, I figured, so I thought it would be nice to give us another chance, only we’d be just friends this time and not a cyber item. So I sent her a friend request before I crashed yesterday in the wee hours of the morning and was later surprised when she didn’t either accept, reject, send a note, or do something. Could something be keeping her from getting online? Could she be thinking about what to do? Hmm… Marie never struck me as the thinking type. She doesn’t think, she just reacts. So unless her wife was standing over her shoulder and ordered her to ignore me (and Marie would happily oblige like an obedient little puppy) it’s hard to believe she’d reject it or just blow me off. Whatever the case may be - glitch, hesitation, lack of access, the invite has been sent. I actually wanted to message her first but I saw no way to do so. I did message Becky, though, to see if she’s heard from her.

We’re supposed to be on for rain tonight and tomorrow (it figures I have to be sleeping half the day away now), then it’s back to the drought we’ve been having. The wind chimes are going off and I thought I heard a little sprinkle on the roof, but nothing major yet.

Last night I ended up studying German for about 3 hours mostly by reading German blogs. I still can’t figure out why I’m so addicted to learning such an ugly language, LOL. I’m dreaming in the damn language. Oh well.

Gute Nacht, freunde. :) Haben schöne Traume!

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