Monday, March 26, 2012

It’s raining now even though it’s not supposed to. But that’s a good thing because while I’m sure I’ll have to hear at least some barking today, maybe he’ll hold off on bulldozing as much as the drive needs it. It’s only going to rain again during the last part of the week anyway. Or so they say.

I wish I had something interesting to update on, but it’s pretty much all a waiting game from here on out. I’ve decided that once we learn either way whether or not he gets hired on or laid off, I’ll let my closest friends know in a PM and not in any of my blogs. It’s just that I feel that blogging should be about my business and not the business of others. Within reason anyway.


So some guy in England, after spending just 7 seconds on my Thoughts profile page, goes and friends me even though I said on my wall there that I won’t accept friend requests from those I haven’t talked to before. Of all the features on that site, disabling friend requests isn’t one of them. Then again, neither is it on MyOpera.

I wish Facebook let you know when your messages are picked up like MySpace does so I could at least know if Nane’s read them. There’s been no activity on her page yet, though she’s most active online late at night. Still, I don’t expect to hear from her for a day or two.

I wonder about her and the guy she’s with. She seems to do absolutely nothing online during weekends unless he leaves earlier than usual and it makes me wonder (and worry a bit) if he’s some kind of control freak. I’d hate to think that he’s the jealous type and that’s not the impression my dreams leave me with nor does it seem anything she’d put up with, but who am I to know for sure? I don’t know the guy. Maybe they’re just so head over heels for each other that they really don’t want to do anything else or bother with anyone else, but it’s still something I wonder about at times. I hope for her sake he really is a good guy and that their relationship lasts forever. She and I could never be together (other than just for intimate encounters) even if she lived right down the street. Therefore, I hope someone else can truly love her and be there for her even if they never live together or anything like that.

Poor Tom might be sick again, this time with a stomach bug. He hasn’t had the runs or thrown up, but he’s got stomach pains, has been going from hot to cold, was coughing in his sleep, and wonders if he has a fever. My first thought was that something was trying to screw him out of being interviewed (I think that’s today or tomorrow) but he’s sure he’ll be ok as lousy as he feels. I hope so! We could know as soon as Wednesday if he gets hired, but might not know it for several weeks if he gets laid off. They’re not going to lay anyone off while they’re still busy.

Kim checked out my Thoughts blog yesterday like crazy, accessing almost every entry as if she were looking for something. I asked her about it and she said she was just looking to see if the troll had returned. Couldn’t she just ask me? I think she was looking to see if I mentioned her. She’s sort of been lying to Aly and I. She once complained about not having money and I thought to myself, well, she may not be the brightest, and she may even be a little on the naïve side for 31, but she’s able-bodied enough despite being ghastly overweight. So I asked if she was going to get a job. At one point I misunderstood her and thought she’d recently gotten a job, but then I noticed she never went into any detail about it and was vague. Never said what it is she does, what her hours are – nothing. Even Aly tried to fish it out of her, figuring she’d want to brag at least a little about her first paying job, even though she doesn’t drive and doesn’t live near a bus system, and finally, she said she was just a helper. This probably means just helping her mom who is a diabetic and has health problems, but at least that’s something.

I then remembered making the comment to Kim, when we were discussing the troll’s laziness, that it bothered me when those who are capable of working just sat on their asses. So that may be why she’s letting us think she works, though according to Aly, she’s collecting social security. I didn’t know this. I thought she was living off her folks, so I guess it’s good that she’s at least got some money of her own.

Aly said she’s got 3 other siblings and as much as she hates to say it, only one of them seems “normal.” Two are in group homes with the mentality of a 5-year-old, and Kim seems to be not all there based on how she types and the things she says and does. Aly finds it a bit creepy that she’s really into managing fan sites and roleplaying, pretending to be other people, and well, the stuff we usually do in our teens and twenties, LOL.

Speaking of the troll, Aly’s worried that when she finally does return it will be with a vengeance. This is the longest she hasn’t harassed anyone, but it’s because she hasn’t been online. The two do go hand in hand. If she’s online, she’s harassing people. But what we don’t get is how her mom’s managing to keep her away as strong-willed as the troll can be. Sooner or later they’re going to look the other way or she’s going to get sick of being controlled, right? As Aly said, though, too much time offline can make her just as angry as too much time online can. She’s going to be spewing hate like crazy when she does get back. I don’t give a damn what she says about me, but I know others would prefer not to be trashed and bashed online, especially with their full names involved. Either way, I don’t know what to think at this point. If it weren’t for that one post left on the 17th to say she’s been busy reading and walking to Kmart, almost as if she just wanted people to know she was still alive and wasn’t in the funny farm, I would think she was in the funny farm or jail.

I don’t know what the Internet will be like in 20-30 years, but I fear that when her parents get too old to babysit her, that’s when she’ll be at her worst. You simply cannot “uncrazy” a crazy person. You can help a troubled person, but not one who’s genuinely sick in the head with no concept of right or wrong.

The more I think about what Tammy told me about being told to give me what she wants, the more I realize just how full of shit she is. Shame on her for thinking I’m that dumb that I wouldn’t think it sounded fishy as hell, but I agree with Tom, she just wants to get me going. My parents have been mean and a lot of other things, but they’re definitely not dumb. They wouldn’t just trust her like that. Also, the lawyer has to contact those in the will to tell them what they’re getting, so if I’m to get 10K and I only get a check for 5K, I’ll know I’ve been ripped off. I still don’t think I’ll get anything, though. Just isn’t meant to be, but that’s ok as long as we can pay for the necessities. Neither of us wants to ever own anything again other than our car and personal stuff. No houses, no businesses, nothing like that.

I’m beginning to wonder if either something happened to Jesse or if he took off somewhere for a while because the barking has been way worse since last Thursday. Also, the weather may not be Harley-worthy, but why haven’t I heard that old truck? Yet there’s been nothing from him, only his mutts. And they don’t just sound scared to be alone, as usual, but there’s a sense of abandonment in their barks. Yelling at them didn’t do me any good and I had to throw on my sound machine. Typical of Westerners or not, I still don’t see how most human beings would find this acceptable.

I really, REALLY hope this isn’t an issue in an adult community and that it isn’t incessant or frequent there, and yes, there is a difference. So what if the dog next door barks just a few times if it does it 6-12 times a day. I just hope there are no issues with age, credit or anything else that could prevent us from getting in.

Worst case scenario we save to buy some old dump in a trailer park cuz then we’d at least own it outright and not have to worry about payments. Then we could have some control over what happened when and do what we want with it. That’s the only thing I don’t like about renting is having to ask permission if we wanted to paint, wallpaper, etc. Makes me feel like a kid again. But I don’t want to own if it can’t be all paid for.

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