Saturday, May 28, 2016

It wasn’t Andy that looked in on my blog. It was Kaitlin, Kim’s friend. 

That’s it? That was fast! Yeah, Jackie’s place already sold. So I guess we’ll soon know what we’re in for. Please don’t let it be loud vehicles and tons of company! Or worse, like the people on the opposite side of the circle who used to leave their dog out overnight in their carport and had little kids living there. I really hope they’re as peaceful as the people who just moved in next to them. Hopefully, it’ll be all women. Men tend to make most of the noise. Not that they can’t use loud power tools in their carport, but I sure am glad there’s no garage there. Garages definitely seem to raise the chances of more than just cars being parked in it. 

I thought Bob lost his mind for a minute yesterday. I was arranging clothes in drawers and closets, and when I looked out the back bedroom window I saw him standing at the edge of his property swinging a golf club. I don’t know anything about golf, but he sure seemed to know what he was doing. He’s very strong and fit for an 86-year-old and never seems to run out of energy. Anyway, I quickly realized he probably got a new club or a new grip or something that he was just testing out. 

He and Jim still go on morning walks together, and golfing about once a week. Virginia goes out a couple of times a day but is otherwise as non-active as you can get. 

I both hate and love our new front loader, but mostly love it. I didn’t yesterday, though, when the detergent pod got stuck in the seal. It was a real pain in the ass to have to wipe out the gooey mess, so now it’s liquid detergent only. Tammy says pods can ruin the machines anyway. Well, they sure are more expensive. I’ll keep using them in the dishwasher. 

I ran an empty quick wash to get rid of the rest of it, but these washers don’t fill with water the way we thought they would. There’s no water line across the door, and when the clothes are washing they don’t appear to slosh around in water or anything. It just looks like wet clothes tumbling round and round. 

Meanwhile, I love how you don’t need to set a load size, how much water it saves, and all the cool features it has. The timer is kind of meaningless, though, cuz it will often get stuck on the same time, then suddenly drop several minutes. It just gives you an idea of how much time is left. 

Last night I dreamed that I awoke to find someone’s arm draped over me. It seemed to be meant to comfort me. I was on my side with my back facing them, whoever they were. I didn’t seem too alarmed in the dream and I seemed to have an idea of who they were. What amazed me was how they managed to slip into bed and put their arm around me without waking me up. 

The arm seemed young, strong and feminine, and when I woke up for real I couldn’t help but ask, as incredibly silly as it may seem… was that really just a dream?

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