So much for feeling better. My ear’s bugging me again, I’m a little dizzy, and here we go with the extreme fatigue again, too. I just don’t get it. Why do I suddenly feel as if I’ve been drugged? I have things to do today. I can’t afford to lie around in bed all day. Fatigue isn’t as bad as dizziness, but both can be debilitating.
Aly tweeted that slightly creepy Fitbit friends are awesome. Yeah, she would think that, now that I know what kinds of people she prefers as friends. I mean I’ve always known this just like I always knew Mary was attracted to abusive men. But now I really know.
So then what’s wrong with Aly’s friend Brianne? I figure there’s got to be something wrong with her since they’ve been friends longer than we were friends, and Aly prefers them crazy/creepy. Well, it’s her problem, and while I know it doesn’t matter, I can’t help but wonder about something she said that makes no sense at all. She said she left Prosebox to “sever ties.” As in not wanting to use a site I use.
But she remains on Twitter and Facebook? I’m still on those sites, too.
The only thing I’ll miss about her is her intelligence and excellent memory. Not to sound like a know-it-all, but there is just so, so much stupidity in this world! I know people can’t always help/control their intelligence levels and that I should be more patient and tolerant of those not as quick to catch on, but having to explain things over and over really gets to me at times. Things I know damn well I already told them or that they probably read in my blog. Seriously, when someone asks me about something I already told them or wrote about I honestly want to beat my head in the wall. If you’re going to take the time to ask someone something, take the time to listen to the answer! I can see if you’ve got learning/memory issues, but it’s hard to believe that many people out there just don’t get things or remember much of what others say.
I suppose I could blame some of this on Facebook. I honestly don’t think Tammy's getting some of my messages there. She asked what happened with Andy and I, and I was like, seriously? But I’ve written about it and I swear I mentioned it to her. I’m thinking maybe some of the messages didn’t make it to her and she might’ve missed some posts, some of which I actually deleted. I was still surprised, though. Time to email more and Facebook less?
I took 39 lessons during the first two days of my Italian review, but
the fluency counter is broken. No matter how many lessons I do and no matter
how well I do on them, it always tells me I’m 15% fluent. Others are
complaining about the same thing.
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