Thursday, May 5, 2016

Went on a quick walk/jog with Tom. It’s damn chilly out there! 

Tom read an article on a fitness study they conducted. They had half the participants ride a bike for something like 45 minutes a day, while the other half sprinted 3 times for 20 seconds with 2-minute breaks in between. They concluded that the sprinters were just as fit as the riders, proving what I’ve always known and believed – more is not better. 

Having so much fun trolling Aly and Kim on Twitter. As a test to see if Kim was really reading my tweets as I suspected she was, I tweeted: Kim, I want that Rockapella fan account name changed NOW! Do it NOW! 

I knew that if she saw it, she’d run and change the name, thus rendering the link to it useless. 

Sure enough, it was gone within an hour. ROTFL! That’s one seriously obedient slave. What if I told her to jump off a bridge? I oughta make up fake fan accounts to demand she change now that I’m not able to find more of them… Kim, I want that Gloria fan account name changed NOW! Do it NOW! LOL 

I guess I’m living proof that you’re never too old for immaturity or Barbie. 

As I’m sure the trolls would want to know, I slept shitty but better. I crashed earlier than I thought I would because I was just so exhausted. I slept longer, though I still woke up often, and one of those times I was hot flashing and my heart was thumping. I had to sit up in front of the fan for a few minutes, as usual. But the good thing is that I made it back asleep without lorazepam. Not having the stress of upcoming appointments helps. 

Had a dream that we were living in some dumpy old house. Tammy visited, and I’m not sure if she told me it’d be the last time she’d visit our house or that I’d ever see her, but either way, it wasn’t a very pleasant dream. 

Then I had a strange visit with Dr. A in the next dream. She had me lie back on the exam table and lift one leg at a time and hold it at a 45° angle for as long as I could. As the time ticked on by she was impressed with how long I could hold it up as fit/strong as I am. 

And then a guy and a baby went tumbling down a huge rocky mountain in the scariest dream. I don’t know where this was supposed to be or what I was doing on the mountain, but I knew they couldn’t have survived the fall. 

Now it’s time to take my Dutch lesson and enjoy the peace before the daily barrage of landscaping hits the scene. So damn annoying and disappointing!

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