Friday, August 17, 2012

Got a VM from my sister yesterday and it sounds like mom’s going to pull through after all, which really doesn’t surprise me. She did have a stroke, though, apparently. It affected her left side. Without actually seeing her I can’t say how badly it’s been affected, but I’m guessing that with some physical therapy, she’ll be fine. And when I say “fine” I don’t mean she’ll be able to run a marathon, but she’ll live. One of my grandmothers had a stroke and while the muscles on her right side were weakened, she lived for years afterward.

Her kidneys still aren’t doing too well, but she is responding to antibiotics. Where she’s going to live and what’s going to happen with her condo and store I have yet to find out. I guess it’s going to need to be sold if she’s going to end up in a nursing home. I wonder where the money from the sale of the places will end up if that’s the case.

More online weirdness – every time I post to LJ I get a hit on TIP from Israel. Thank God I’ve got my settings on MO preventing anonymous comments since those fucking spammers from Senegal and Nigeria keep trying to get at me.


I just got done talking to Tom who also listened to the drama queen’s message. What we’re not sure about is if she’s moving out of the condo altogether or if she’s just having the phone disconnected. And why would she be going up to CT if mom’s still in the hospital? Is someone else (maybe a friend) looking out for her?

I’m still confused and curious as to what’s going on. Where is my mom going to be living? If the condo and store are going to be sold, where will the money from that go? This is where I get a little nervous about her screwing us over. Would she do it if she could? Absolutely. Anyone who can turn on her own sister for threatening her abusive ex is capable of doing pretty much anything. Will God let her do it? Absolutely.

If it says in the will, for example, that everything’s to be liquidated and split between us when they’re both dead, how can that apply to a condo and store that’s already been sold before they were both dead? I just worry she’s going to sell those and pocket the money for herself, though I don’t know how much they owe on things and what mom’s medical expenses are going to come to. The rule is that the state/government will pay for an old person’s final years, but not without taking their money first. This is something we may not be able to do much about, but as Tom pointed out, records are kept on virtually everything. Anyone can order up a copy of pretty much everything and anything they have doubts about or are just plain curious about – wills, police reports (I loved rubbing that one in her face), birth certificates, death certificates, and so, so much more. Hell, I was even able to look up the lawnmower mom and dad rented from Sears back on Birchwood Ave. The truck we used to have was broken into when we first got to Cali and were staying in motels and Tom’s birth certificate was stolen. He was able to order a copy online.

So we’ll know it if she does screw us out of anything that may be in the will, and Tom says we could fight back, too. I hope so, cuz again, God’s the last one that’s going to look out for us. He usually doesn’t sic anyone on us if He knows we can fight back, though. Only we can protect ourselves against this ruthless bitch. But maybe not. I still have a feeling the money’s going to run out before mom dies or God’s gonna pave the way for Tammy to screw us and make sure that somehow, someway, we can’t fight back. Kill me, rape me, beat me, rob me, and you’ve got automatic protection from God.

I just wish it had been Mom’s time to go before we moved. I don’t like her having any sensitive info like numbers and addresses. People can’t let go of people easily and they can’t handle rejection at all. Whether I cut her off coldly or silently walked away, she’s going to turn on me for it sooner or later. I’d love to get a copy of the police report she swears was all Bill’s doing and see her deny having anything to do with it then. But I know the truth. I know she helped him sic the pigs on me not just by the letter she sent Tom defending the bastard and threatening charges, but by the way the cop (before discovering the default warrant no one knew was even out on me on account of the welfare bums) mentioned BOTH their names. Still, to drop hints about that and using the pervert as an excuse to point out how we can find out and fight back if we get screwed out of something that Mom and Dad may’ve willed to us, was loads of fun. Usually, I prefer the direct approach, but in this case, I felt it better to just imply this and that.

I’ve always wondered if she only insisted on buddying up to me either out of guilt for what she did with Bill (she knows right from wrong, and she knows that she was involved even though she’ll never admit it, much less apologize) or because she knows she’s going to try to screw me out of whatever. She had to have hit me with that story about Mom and Dad telling her not to give Larry anything and to give me what she wants for a reason, right?

I’m just sick of God protecting my perps! That really bothers me. I’m sick of people not only screwing me for no reason and without any provocation but also getting away with the SAME things I get in trouble for. Like Jenny, for example. Ok, so the case was thrown out in the end, but how the hell come she could prank call me and not be dragged through the stress and hassles of having to play court while I did have to go through all this for my calls to her? Ugh, that makes me so mad!

I suppose I shouldn’t worry about my sister until and if she actually does anything, but she already has before, and I know my sister. I know what she’s capable of. She’d kill her own kids to get something she wanted or to spite someone else. She’s all 3 v’s – vicious, vengeful and vindictive.

Although I took note of her numbers (I don’t want to call the house and get Mark or her brood) I’ve chosen to leave a message for her to pick up on Facebook instead when she gets home due to the shitty connection on both the computer and the cell, and cuz she said she’d be home soon anyway.

Moving on from my evil sister, the whole thing is kind of sad when you think about it. No, I don’t love my mother. Yes, she was an abusive bitch. But if the store and condo must be sold and she must live in a nursing home, this is pretty much the beginning of the end. How horrible it must be to watch your life die away and get sold off, then face the beginning of the end. Being in a nursing home is basically like being on death row. Welcome to death row, mom. I hope they’re a lot nicer to you there than they were to me in any of the foster homes, funny farms and private “schools” you both, directly and indirectly, had me sent to. The difference is I got out of those places. You won’t be getting out of wherever you’re going. Remember that when you remember (or have you forgotten?) the time you smacked the back of my hand for goofing off on the piano you wanted me to learn while I wanted to learn the guitar. That incident was nothing in comparison to many others.

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