Sunday, August 26, 2012

Still getting views from Molly’s residence, though I don’t know if it’s her or her mother.

Although I was tired all day yesterday, I accompanied Tom to Walmart. It had been a while since I’d gotten out so I needed to. After a week or two, I get cabin fever, homebody or not.

Got some more crackle polish. This one’s in Snow Blast, so now I have dark and light crackles. I white crackled over various colors a little while ago. My nails, especially on my left hand, are getting ferociously long but I still can’t bring myself to cut them. I keep thinking they’re going to break any minute now, but they never do.

I’m still worried about Tom. He’s not coughing much, but his lungs are still congested.

Exchanged messages with Nane. Well, she probably crashed right before I got up. She’s so sweet. She and I are really close. We may each have a guy we love the hell out of, but there is a definite bond we share.

Love the joke Andy told me – What did the tampon string say to the other?
Nothing. They were both stuck-up bitches.

Anyway, although life is going well overall, I was just sitting here thinking about Mom and wondering what’s going through her mind when she’s with it enough. I wonder about Tom and I too, and our future. I just wonder when the hell we’ll move or if there’ll be many more curveballs thrown at us along the way. I wonder a lot of things. I’m curious and analytical by nature. I take the things most people don’t even think about and I examine them in my mind from a million different angles.

Had to turn all the fans off earlier as it’s going to be getting down into the mid-50s tonight. Still got the windows open, though.

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