Thursday, August 2, 2012

My allergies left me absolutely miserable yesterday and today’s not much better so far. Only difference is I’m determined not to let it stop me from going about my life today. Yesterday I took Benadryl and was too sick and drowsy to work out or do much of anything. Today I’m determined to work out, clean, etc.

The congestion is as annoying as the sneezing fits and I don’t know what the hell is causing it. I guess it’s something outside. The only state I didn’t have allergy problems in was Oregon, but this is getting to be like Arizona for me here! The attacks are getting more and more frequent and obviously, over-the-counter stuff can’t fight it alone. After we get moved I’ll have to add an allergist to my already too-long list of doctors I have to see being as behind in bodily repairs as I am. A dentist, an ear doctor, an eye doctor, a sleep doctor, an allergy doctor…am I going to end up having to see every doctor there is? And why oh why can’t I have a day in my life without some form of pain or problem??? I’m sick of suffering one way or another every single fucking day of my life! Hip pain, tooth pain, allergies, etc.

Not only is my nose so clogged up that I can barely taste or smell, but the pressure caused by the congestion has blocked both ears and is giving me a slight headache in front where the sinus cavity is. On top of that, I’ve had teary eyes, and this on-and-off pain in my upper stomach that woke me up the last two nights, as well as shortness of breath. I’m not wheezing or anything but my lungs sometimes feel tight like they would down in Arizona. I’ve got nose pinchers on my nose now that I would use to keep water out of my nose when swimming to help keep me from sneezing.

I still have days where nothing seems to fill me up either. I eat, but I’m still hungry, and if it does curb my hunger, it doesn’t seem to last long. It’s like my body is crying out to gain more weight. Well, it can have it because trying to maintain it is too hard and trying to lose it is impossible, so at this point, I don’t give a damn if I gain 100 pounds or not. I’m tired of being hungry. From now on the rule is that when I’m hungry, I eat. Period. And sometimes it’ll be just a yogurt or a piece of fruit while other times it may be a big box of crackers or a chocolate bar. No more skimping or counting calories!

But despite the fact that I am ready to accept that most older people are around 100 pounds overweight and to join them in that department, I’m not ready to give up working out until I get so damn big that I am unable to do so. I like to at least be in shape regardless of how much weight I’m carrying.

I went back and re-read the “questions” I was asked by some anonymous being yesterday who first said I was silly, then very wrong. I guessed it was Molly or Kim but they denied it and said that’s what they meant by my being very wrong. But they told me I was “very wrong” before I guessed they were Molly or Kim. IDK, maybe it’s Andy playing around, though he was supposed to be at work at the time the questions came in. He said he didn’t ask if I’d forgive my husband if he cheated on me, so I’m assuming he asked the other anonymous questions. Whatever. Gotta get running, showering and cleaning, but not to the tune of barking as I’ll have either music or the sound machines going. Yeah, the damn cock is definitely back to work at least part-time in the early mornings.

I was just about to post this entry when I had a bout of the runs. Wow, just wow. I’m doing really well here. I’d say working out is definitely out of the question today, too. But I am determined to dust and vacuum at least a little bit.

Took a shower after having the runs and it seems to have made me a little better as far as the watery eyes, sneezing and congestion go, but who knows how long it will last?

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