Monday, August 27, 2012

Life is still going well, Tom’s getting better, and our savings continue to grow. However, I feel stuck in life right now.

I worry there’s going to be all kinds of headaches to delay us from buying a place and just the thought of having to be here many more months to deal with the internet alone makes me want to scream. Since they weren’t going to give us the speed we were paying for anyway, we downgraded to a slower speed. So even when it’s reliable and not cutting out as much, it’s slower than molasses. Especially if I try to go online while he’s streaming live TV.

The raspberry ketones do seem to help with weight loss, though they’re not going to be much help for me because of my screwy schedule. I still have no idea why, but I don’t lose weight in my sleep when I’m on nights like I do when I’m on days. So once again, it’s something only those lucky enough to be “normal” can benefit from. They definitely do help curb the appetite, though, so if you can lose 1-3 pounds in your sleep every single night, you should be able to cut back on calories enough to lose weight. With me, though, every time my schedule flips to nights my weight basically resets itself and I put back what I lost when I was on days. That’s ok, though. I don’t mind being fat so long as I don’t get any fatter. I worry about that more than I worry about losing what I’ve got.

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