Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Happy birthday to my buddy, Nane! Well, it’s not her birthday yet here in the US, but she’s 52 and still hot as hell.

I was so sick the last couple of days that for a minute I started to think just maybe I am in for a substantial inheritance after all and now God’s going to kill me so I can’t collect. Nah, I knew I wasn’t going to die or anything like that. I just felt like shit. We’ve both come to agree that it probably wasn’t just allergies and that I did catch his cold after all. I sure as hell hope it wasn’t allergies, cuz if it was, then my allergies have reached a whole new and scary level. My allergies have included mostly sneezing with some nasal congestion. But the last two times my nose ran like a faucet every so often that I even had to sleep with tissues jammed in underneath my nose. The last time I had the runs and a sore throat. Not much in the way of a cough, but I did have a wave of nausea for a minute there and feared I might throw up. I feel like someone karate-chopped me between the shoulder blades and took a bat to my ribs.

I slept on and off for 14 hours. I crashed at 7pm and woke up a few hours later. I fell back asleep around 3am after blowing my nose so raw it felt like someone lit an incense stick and dabbed the outer edges of my nose with it. Then I got up at 7am right before Tom left for work. Then I dozed on and off till 11am. I still feel weak and out of it and my head is still clogged up with congestion big time.

The spells worked to make Tom’s cold only last for two days and then he was fine with just a little cough. However, the spells I’ve done to try to influence my own self to get better have done me no good at all. This is the fourth day I haven’t worked out.

I’m just sick of being sick and always having to have one problem after another! Even dental and ear pain was easier to deal with because they didn’t interfere with my life like it does when I have to stop and sneeze like crazy or blow my nose. Now that my teeth are better, my allergies take over. If I got them under control somehow, something else would be a problem. But we do need to get them under control. I looked back through my journal and starting on April 30th is when they started to become a regular problem. Tom and I agree it’s gotten to be too much. I can’t go more than a week or two without an attack.

Tom’s calling doctors today from work and will be bringing home an air cleaner. It does seem to be worse since I stopped using our old, small air cleaner you plug into the wall once the rat died. Plus, the windows are open and the cooler’s on, so I figured an air cleaner wouldn’t do much good, but from what I read, that’s not a good thing. The healthiest thing would be keeping the windows shut and running an AC if you have one. But I don’t know that we’ll ever have a place with an AC as long as we’re in this area, and I still suspect it’s something inside, particularly in the bedroom. I did also read that bedrooms do tend to be the most problematic area due to dust mites. Tom sprayed Lysol all over the bed, carpet and drapes, but I doubt it’ll do me much good. I need whatever that prescription snot spray was that I used to take down in Arizona. The only sucky thing is that you can’t wait till an attack starts to snort up. You have to do it regularly. It’s preventative medicine.

Really hope we don’t have to return to a cold climate to stop these attacks. I have no idea where we’d go. I looked up the best and worst cities for allergies but found nothing but contradictions. Some say Sacramento is great, others say it’s lousy.

I looked up self-help tips online and tried a nasal wash that didn’t seem to help much. That consists of the same mixture of salt and baking soda I rinse my mouth with to keep cavities away.

Anyway, I still feel run down as hell. Just a few hours of moving about and my energy is totally depleted no matter how well I eat or how much caffeine I pump myself with. I haven’t even started the raspberry ketone pills yet. I want to wait till I’m 100% better. That way if I do have any side effects I won’t blame it on the wrong thing.

I have more to say, including some bad news, but I’m just too out of it to get to it now.

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