Friday, August 23, 2024

Ugh, another nightmare—this one particularly worrisome. We were living in a large house, with the bedrooms upstairs and a basement below. The lock on the door was broken, and when Andy wandered in and woke me up, I was far from happy.

Tom wasn't home. Eventually, I got out of bed and found that I had received some strange texts. I wasn't sure if they were direct threats against me or a warning from someone else about threats to my life. I was a bit nervous but not truly worried until I received a phone call from a woman with an English accent. She told me they wanted to beat me up. I had no idea who "they" were or why I was a target, but it seemed like it might have been a gang looking to make headlines with their violent crimes. I also didn't understand why the woman told me to get to the emergency room, but she did.

A split second later, Doc A appeared, wanting to check on me. I told her I was okay but started worrying about having to open the door to let her out, so I decided to arm myself. I searched for a knife but couldn't find a single one in the kitchen.

After I let her out, I closed the door, wishing we had fixed the broken lock sooner. I felt trapped, and genuine panic started to set in as I realized I had no means of escape. I wasn't sure if Tom could save me even if he was home. He might actually become a target as well if he were.

I woke from the dream knowing it meant trouble was ahead and couldn't fall back asleep for over an hour. I got up and told Tom about the dream, and he suggested maybe it meant I wasn't a candidate for the Inspire. I told him no—it was one of those dreams. Now, I just have to sit and wonder what it means until it happens and hope it's nothing too crazy. I swear I hate being psychic! It could be anything from my crown falling back out to getting sick to an infection to who knows what. I highly doubt I’ll get bad news from the glaucoma Doc I see in less than a month so I don’t know what it is.

When I awoke from the dream, I knew that Tom was going to be donating plasma and had a fleeting fear that something might be wrong, even though it was me they were after in the dream. I reached for my phone, checked the cam, and saw that the car was still there, which helped ease my mind a bit.

Last night, I noticed that my eyelashes seemed to touch my glasses when I blinked. I got up, looked in the mirror, and OMG, this stuff really does work! I couldn't see it in the regular mirror, but when I looked in the magnifying mirror, it was obvious that I have two really long lashes on my right side. Nothing new yet on the left side or lower lashes, but wow. Just wow. At first, I thought they were loose lashes, but when I tried to remove them, I realized they weren't loose at all. I don't know exactly what's in this stuff, but now I'm curious to see how long they'll get, even though I already have long eyelashes. Thicker would be nice instead. Head and body hairs definitely thin with age—at least mine did. I tried to take a decent picture of my lashes, but for some reason, I just can't get a clear shot. I'm going to try a shampoo with similar ingredients.

Since one of the lucky bamboos I had died and the other looks like it's on its way out, we got another trio of bamboos through Walmart. They came down from New York and look nice and healthy.

Anyway, I'm even more tired today because my sleep was broken up twice. We had a thunderstorm right as I was getting up, and we're in for rain over the next few days. I wonder how much more sleep I'll lose before I can catch up.

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