Thursday, August 22, 2024

Why oh why must the past always come back to haunt me? First, my nail is splitting again. But this is the second night in a row I'm spotting ants by the kitchen window, and we just fucking bombed. The one last night was dying, but this one wasn't unless it had just come in. I'm pretty sure they're coming in through the kitchen window, but I don't know how to stop them. We've sprayed outside and bombed inside, yet they're still coming in. Ants don't creep me out like spiders do, but I still don't like them. I guess we're just gonna have to live with them until winter, even though we don't have much of a winter here.

I'll have to get an acrylic nail kit to cover the split nail. But first, I'm gonna try using my powder dip stuff. If I can't cure it with the UV flashlight we recently got, then I'll go outside. This will have to wait until I start staying up later in the morning. I couldn't get any sunlight at the beginning of my day because it was cloudy. I know the sun's rays go through the clouds, but I just wasn't up for it today. I don't expect to get much accomplished throughout the night because I woke up kind of tired.

I had a nightmare that woke me up for a bit. One of the classics...spiders. I sat down and put my shoes on in the dream when I spotted four huge daddy longlegs. I got up to get a fly swatter, and when I returned, there were 15 of them.

The mystery girl was in another one where we were talking on the phone. I don't remember everything we discussed, but she said something about not liking waterbeds and doubting the existence of God like I do. Is this my psychic side picking up real facts in my sleep as I've done with numerous people before, or just random stuff?

I made cheesy mushroom spinach quesadillas, and they came out surprisingly good.

Not sure I'm gonna have the energy to get on the road today. I'm still doing the longest trip of the challenge in downstate New York. Is there even such a term as "downstate"? Grammarly must think so because it isn't underlining that word. Well, it's definitely in the southern part of the state on the right side that dips down. Going through some beautiful sections. You can tell it was summer when the images were taken. That seems to be Google Maps' prime time for mapping.

Yesterday was Nane's birthday. She turned 64. I know I shouldn't think like this, but I can't help but note the fact in my mind that if you asked her when my birthday was, she wouldn't have a clue. The only other people who remember it besides Tom are Andy and Termite Tammy, and that's only because they've known me all my life. The fact that no one else does makes me wonder if it's because most people's memory sucks or they just never cared? The only other one that might remember is Crazy Kim because she had a knack for that sort of thing.

I skimmed an article about how the body goes through two major changes in life, the first being in the mid-40s and the second being around age 60, and I was like, OMG, you mean I gotta go through that shit one more time? Things definitely did start going downhill pretty fast at that time. I mean, I noticed changes in my 30s—skin thinned out in my early 30s, eyes started going bad in my mid-30s, could no longer lose weight for the most part in my late 30s—but my mid to late 40s were definitely the worst, as were my early 50s.

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